The Kung Fu Panda animated movie, which was released in 2008 and fits the results of hundreds of people’s efforts into one and a half hours, invites us cheerfully to the mystical atmosphere of a valley village in the far east. The film presents the ancient Far East understanding in a natural and sincere way in an entertaining and thought-provoking story.
The main character of the animated movie “Po” dreams of becoming a famous Kung Fu fighter respected by everyone. Even so, there is a huge gap between Po’s current life and dreams. Contrary to his dreams, Po is physically very clumsy, and professionally he works for his father, who owns a local restaurant famous for its noodles. Although the contrasts between his dreams and his current situation cause Po to lose hope from time to time, he has a pure heart, goodwill and enthusiasm that never gives up and allows him to pursue the dreams he loves and respects.
One day his heart beats with excitement at the news: It is time for the long-awaited legendary “Dragon Warrior” to be chosen by the greatest Kung-Fu master. A ceremony is held with the participation of all the people. Favorite candidates are kung fu students who have undergone various and rigorous training at the temple for years.
Worried to see this historical event and enter the area where the ceremony is held, Po manages to enter the ceremony area by falling in front of Master Oogway, who will finally choose the legendary dragon warrior, accompanied by his efforts and clumsiness. Master Oogway, with the confidence and comfort of seeing the results of his intuition, announces to everyone that the universe has sent them the dragon warrior.
At that moment, a new era begins for Po and the people of the valley. At first everything is illogical and meaningless. Unable to see any wisdom behind their master’s decision, Master Shifu and his disciples are confused with disappointment. Even though all of Po’s dreams come true all of a sudden, it doesn’t seem possible for him to be able to take the responsibility of this title.
In all this precarious situation, Master Oogway completes his life in this world by telling his disciple Master that what he lacks is ‘believing’. Time does not recognize indecision and question marks, Master Master and his disciples have a big problem in front of them: The mighty Tai-Lung, Master’s former disciple, has managed to escape from the prison and is swiftly crossing the mountains and hills towards the ‘dragon scroll’ that he has long since eagerly desired. The only person who can stop him is only the dragon warrior according to the prophecy. In the end, Po is alone with all his faults and fate that he cannot escape.
“There is no such thing as coincidence.”
Reminding Lao-Tse’s serene style, which advises to leave everything to its own nature, Master Oogway undoubtedly has a power of cognition beyond the tiring, skeptical and calculating mechanism of the mind. Confident after his choice, Oogway reminds Master and us that ‘nothing in life is accidental’. Referring to the concept of ‘swadharma’, which represents the eastern idea of right-action, right-work, Oogway says that only a peach tree will emerge from a peach seed; It is pointless to expect another fruit tree to grow from a peach seed. The solution is not in ‘others’. A peach seed will grow when it is guided, cared for, and believed in. When Master Shifu sets aside the impossibilities in the prison of his reason and shows genuine interest and faith, the warrior within Po will be able to emerge.
No secret recipe…
It is clear that everything in life is not fulfilled by desire and dreaminess, even though Po wanted to and started to make an effort in a short time. When they realize they have no chance against Tai-Lung, the most useful job Po can do now is to help the people get away from the village. When it’s all over, the noodle cooker learns from his father’s mouth the special and secret recipe for the ‘perfect’ soup.
This recipe, which his father has been hiding for years, is actually very simple to implement: Because there is no such thing as a secret recipe. Soup is the same soup. Whatever a person believes in, which choice he puts his strength and energy into, will grow and develop. Knowing the secret of the dragon scroll, Po realizes that title, deed, and true power are not given from outside, but must be discovered from within.
Dragon Scroll
The dragon symbol is one of the ancient and mystical symbols of the east. While it can have different meanings, it basically represents power and impulses. The dragon’s power brings destruction to those who cannot contain it, and grace to those who can control it. In Eastern wisdom, self-knowledge and being able to control one’s own animal nature is of primary importance.
The person who cannot do this is taken by the dragon, that is, the power. One’s will becomes a slave to power. The self-conquered person, on the other hand, has the authority to use power for the right purposes by giving direction to life. This is where the main difference between Tai-Lung and Po emerges. Tai-Lung passed high-level strength and endurance tests for years, practicing kung fu day and night. He wanted all this relentless work, this whole process, for the reward at the end: the Dragon Scroll…
This status and the expectation of gaining more power, which the dragon scroll is believed to further strengthen the person who has it, blinded Tai-Lung. Tai-Lung, who has great power, has become a machine that has become a slave to his desires. On the other hand, Po knows almost no fighting techniques and his body is very clumsy. If in Po but not in Tai-Lung; believing, loving, owning and being responsible. These features, which turn the scales upside down, will also turn the fate upside down, contrary to the general expectation that looks at everything with a logical filter.
In the movie where we watch the birth of a hero, we see the real power that the apparent can deceive and that inner potentials and intentions can transform. Kung Fu Panda, whose sequels and serials were published, is an inspiring animated movie that we can watch with a smile on our faces with our family and friends. The film, in which the wisdom of the Far East is masterfully scripted, offers the audience a colorful, instructive and entertaining world.
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