The generation group formed by those born between 1965 and 1979, also called the lost generation, is called the Generation X. Generations do not only create age restrictions. Behaviors and habits developed depending on the cultural, social, economic, technological, political and societal values and changes of the period in which they live form generations. So what is Generation X?
The X generation, which is classified as the eldest of the younger generations and defined as the middle child, represents a period in which social and economic crises and many changes are experienced all over the world. For example, they were involved in moving and painful changes such as the fall of the Berlin wall, the Vietnam War, the worldwide oil crisis, right-left conflicts for Turkey, and coups. Generation X is the first witness of all the developments that started to be renewed in these painful changes and adapted to the digital world step by step.

For example, in music, he experienced and managed to adapt to records, cassettes, cd, mp3 respectively. It is a pioneering generation that first tried today’s technologies, ensured their acceptance and development, and played an important role in the formation of the internet and technology age, which we call the new age.
It is premature to think that it is gradually being replaced by the next generation Y. Because in today’s business world, it is the X generation who have more managerial positions. In other words, they are the ones who are open to innovations, support and know the adaptation process best. They are still the ones who direct the technologies and changes of tomorrow. For this reason, it is important for the whole business world to know the people of the X generation, also called the intermediate generation, and to analyze their behavior models well.

The Change Process of Generation X
Although the transition from sending greeting cards to Eid messages via sms during holidays may seem strange, it is the generation that uses the latest greeting cards and the first sms messages.
X generation is the first to use automatic washing machines from roller washing machines.
The generation that witnessed the first introduction of color television into our lives is the generation that first discovered and developed the concept of private television.
The invention and first use of the Internet represents the X generation.
Job losses in their families due to worldwide economic crises have pushed them to be open to changes, especially in the business world, and to become a more workaholic generation.
The transition from registries and folders in the workplace to the computer has not met with much resistance.
Generation X shows a constructive approach to change. Although the human structure generally looks at every change with a prejudice, the inhabitants of this generation have managed to adapt due to their combative nature.
The X generation, which is involved in painful social events, is therefore sensitive to society.
They represent the era of human rights movements in the world. Maybe this is why they are among the generations that spend the most time on social media today.

The generation that experienced the first divorce in their families is the X generation. This situation enabled them to turn into a more independent structure. Age and rates of marriage have changed in the last representatives of this generation.
The fact that women are more involved in the business world is seen in the X generation women and they represent the exemplary entrepreneurial women of today. It is the generation that is acquainted with gender equality.
Equality between men and women and the rise of women in the working life have caused the X generation men to undergo a change in which they have more responsibility at home.
The increasing level of welfare compared to previous generations has enabled them to prefer a more active social life.
They are the first generation to adopt this understanding, as the production economy has been transitioned from a production economy to a service economy in the period they are in.
In general, the people of this generation, where endings and beginnings are experienced, have developed different behavioral models and come to the fore with their unique characteristics.
Characteristics and Unknown Aspects of Generation X
Characteristics of the X generation, which is characterized as a traumatic generation and stands out due to the changes, are as follows:
It is a very talented generation in terms of communication. Generation X, who has the ability to use face-to-face communication in both business and social life before technology, attaches importance to communication in the technology period.
He is good at crisis management and does not hesitate to assume the mediator position.
Since they have determined the philosophy of working for a living, they do not hesitate to constantly improve themselves in business. Because the goal is to make money.
In addition to being good leaders in management in business life, they do not easily have problems with the upper levels. They are hardworking and disciplined.
As long as the conditions are right, staying at the same workplace for many years is not a problem for them. They are guarantees. However, if they find better conditions, they can go for a change.
The women of the X generation have an opinion that believes in the necessity of financial independence of women, who have started to have a say in business life and support women’s entrepreneurship today.
Their structure, which respects authority and does not like to take too many risks, has caused them to be described as old-fashioned by the new generations. However, it should not be forgotten that they are the ones who laid the foundations of today’s innovations
They are open to innovations, mostly successful and flexible in adapting.
It is an independent, self-sufficient and resourceful generation.
Generation X loves knowledge and tends to learn constantly. Reading habits are high.
They use technology primarily to get their work done. In the next generations, this priority gradually turned into entertainment.
They are highly motivated and self-confident; Failure does not deter them.
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