Ukraine – Russia war and the path to socialism again

Ukraine - Russia war and the path to socialism again

It is necessary to return once again to the debate on the Ukrainian war. Because it is clear that there is an ideological approach in the background of the views put forward in the discussions on this subject, and in this sense, the debate actually has an ideological dimension. It is obvious that it is difficult to make a cold-blooded assessment that is free from ideological prejudices.

In particular, a given ideological framework in which a refined understanding of “neo-classical colonialism”, which is tried to be placed on very “democratic” and “libertarian” reasons in the globalization phase/era of imperialism, makes this debate even more out of hand,

First of all, let’s say briefly; In the classical sense, there is no oppressed and aggrieved country or people attacked by a large, tyrannical and aggressive imperial power. If we specify the concrete situation by making a certain abstraction in order to fully grasp it; We can say that Russia, after a long period of hesitation, is trying to meet and stop the NATO attack or siege operation on Ukraine. This is the root cause of the problem.

On the other hand; There is no country that is oppressed and respects democratic values. It has committed crimes against its own citizens, banned left and progressive political organizations, especially the communist party, a party whose vote rate was close to 20, committed crimes against humanity by collaborating with neo-Nazis, attempted ethnic cleansing, committed murders, Russian and other minority groups.

There is a regime that has banned their language and finally seized the state with a coup d’etat. “Western democracies” did not speak out against all this, but on the contrary, they did not try to arm the new regime, tried to include Ukraine in NATO despite all warnings, and moreover, they immorally supported fascist groups and organizations. The neo-Nazis, inversely proportional to their social support, have become the most influential force within the Ukrainian security and military bureaucracy. The birthdays of fascist leaders were declared a national holiday, and statues of registered genocide criminals were erected.

It is not difficult to understand the reason for the support given to the fascist groups by the Western and Ukrainian bourgeoisie. The extreme and historically baseless nationalism of neo-Nazi groups, which is one of the reasons for their extremism, was deemed necessary at this stage to build a new nation. This is the reason why Zelenski, who is stated to be of Jewish origin, tolerates or supports these groups at the expense of his own identity and lineage. Moreover, even though the fascists belonging to the neo-Nazi groups in question were so outraged that they took videos of the Russian women they raped and uploaded them on social media, they were openly committing crimes against humanity and women.

Ukraine - Russia war and the path to socialism again

Ukraine truths

First, let’s make a determination; Undoubtedly, it is the workers and people of Ukraine who have been sacrificed in this crisis, trampled and oppressed in the last struggle for global hegemony. They are ordinary people who have historically been part of Slavic culture. Imperialism and collaborationist governments and fascist nationalists are the real perpetrators of the Ukraine crisis, the destruction of the country and the crimes committed.

Ukraine has been one of the areas of the most important covert operation carried out by the West since the beginning of the 2000s. It is the country where the orange coup (not revolution) attempts attempt to strike gold. Because after the end of the Cold War, NATO did not stop, on the contrary, it carried out a systematic siege operation in Eastern Europe.

The reason is obvious; NATO and the USA are trying to prevent the rise of a power that could rival it again in the future due to its potential. In the meantime, in order to maintain its own justification, it is to create a country that is no longer a real competitor but will meet the need for an “enemy”. This is why NATO and the United States have been conducting a diversionary operation against Russia for 30 years.

However, the question still remains: Why does NATO continue to exist despite the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the Cold War, as claimed? Moreover, why has this war organization, which we know to commit crimes against humanity, more than doubled its membership? Continuing its eastward expansion, NATO – whose membership has increased from 14 to 30 – is still trying to recruit new members. These questions have no answers. A satisfactory and convincing answer has not been given so far

It is very clear that; It is a clear provocation to attempt to include a country like Ukraine, which is of great geostrategic importance and which means Russia’s open stranglehold when included in an opposing military establishment, in violation of the 1985 agreement. The fact that Sweden and Finland are also wanted to be included in NATO after Ukraine is a sign that a systematic operation is being carried out in the middle. Here, Russia welcomes this operation on Ukraine, that is the situation. Therefore, there is a NATO-Russia war, not a Ukraine-Russia war. When we look at it from a wider perspective, there is an East-West reckoning that opens towards re-establishing the commercial and political order in the world.

Meaning of the NATO statement

As a matter of fact, when we look carefully at the statement made after the NATO Leaders’ Summit held on March 24, 2022 due to the Ukraine war, it will be seen that the most important item is the call made to China. The NATO Summit Concluding Statement called on China to “refrain from supporting Russia’s war attempts and refraining from any action that would help Russia circumvent sanctions.” The statement also stated that it was concerned about the recent comments by the Chinese authorities, and asked China to “support a peaceful solution”. What was meant by the peaceful solution was Russia’s unconditional withdrawal from Ukraine.

Even if Russia is naturally threatened with the NATO declaration, China is mainly warned and it is stated that it may be included in the scope of sanctions. Because the West, which was included in the globalization processes after the Soviet period and after Russia, and which assumed that the economic market expansion needed in the world would be achieved in this way, could not actually achieve this goal. The USA claimed that China unilaterally benefited from the opportunities provided by globalization due to its planning, disciplined and authoritarian management, thus gaining a great advantage in world trade.

The USA and the West think that China, which has turned the possibilities of globalization in its favor, has caught the technology revolution. Moreover, they perceive China’s takeover of industry leadership in many high-tech areas as a threat to them. In other words, the West is watching with concern as China produces wealth, overcomes poverty in its country and emerges on the world stage as a great economic power. So much so that the USA and the West, who have forgotten that there is a communist party in power in this giant country where 1.5 billion people live, are remembering this situation again. For this reason, with the latest NATO Declaration, the strategic alliance that was established and tried to be developed mainly between Russia and China is tried to be sabotaged.

Crimes of Russia and solution

Now let’s come to Russia’s fault… The Ukraine war inevitably leads to different discussions within Russia. However, what I am interested in in this discussion is how the Russian socialists, who have a strong tradition, took a position in this war. Stepan Malentsov, General Secretary of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party (RKRP), which is supposed to represent the legacy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, states that they support the Putin administration’s fight against Nazism and fascism. Stating that he finds the “reasons of the Ukraine war understandable”, Malentsov rightly adds that the issue is extremely complex.

Noting that Russia has come to a key point in his statement, Malentsov also criticizes the Putin administration. Malentsov, who also describes the recognition of the independence of Crimea and Donbass as a “positive” development and seems to support the steps taken in this direction, also says that the solution is the demilitarization of the region in question. Malentsov continues:

“De-Nazis, that is, the fight against fascism, is much more difficult. Because as long as the source of fascism remains capitalism, and especially its modern source, the most reactionary and chauvinistic capital, it is always possible for it to re-emerge. It’s not just about Bandera and the National Battalion. This is about the biggest imperialist against the USA. They are rivals who, until recently, called each other ‘partners’ rather than being against each other” (BirGün, 23 March 2022).

While stating that they support the struggle against neo-Nazis and racism with these words, Malentsov rightly emphasizes that as long as imperialist capitalism remains in place, the threat of fascism may come up again. With the expression “the greatest imperialist against the USA” in this approach, he criticizes Russia’s state policies and “Great Russian chauvinism”. In this context, he states that it is not possible for Vladimir Putin’s administration to ‘turn to the left’ and re-establish the Soviet Union. Therefore, he states that Russia cannot be expected to “establish an egalitarian union” or develop relations with Ukraine, as it was during the Soviet period.

The path to socialism again

The leader of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party wants the war to be stopped if Russia’s stated goals and apparently shared by them are achieved. Declaring that they will not support a future that will be arranged according to the goals and wishes of the Russian bourgeoisie, Malentsov underlines that they will fight against “the dictatorship of local oligarchs and impostors”. “We repeat once again that the fundamental solution to the problem is only socialism. We are in favor of transforming the war of demilitarization and de-Nazification into a struggle for socialism.”

It is clear that the closest approach to the truth in the Ukrainian war can be established with a perspective that includes all the historical, sociological, political and cultural complexity of the event, but simplifies it. In this sense, the approach of Stepan Malentsov, the leader of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party, is extremely consistent and compatible with historical, sociological and political realities. An approach that does not include criticism of the Ukraine administration and NATO as well as the Russia and Putin administration will be incomplete.

There is a fine line between anti-war and understanding what is really going on in Ukraine. The critical distinction at this point is this; Leaving the main perpetrators and criticizing only Russia or putting forward the criticism of Russia alone will serve a NATOist and Americanist line in the final analysis. I do not intend to judge or blame anyone, but it is necessary at this stage to point to the objective picture that will emerge, regardless of the subjective intentions of individuals and certain circles.

In conclusion, let me state; The immediate goal should be to end war and peace. The ultimate goal and the real solution (just and egalitarian) is re-socialism, as Malentsov points out.

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