The Moon is speaking to Saturn. Saturn is an old and mature sage. The Moon, on the other hand, is still in its youth, trying to learn something from Saturn.
Saturn: “Life can be very hard, cold, and cruel! This, my child, is the most important lesson I have to teach you.”
Moon: “But Saturn, I’m just a young child. In order to feel safe and secure – I desperately need to feel the comfort of your nurturing parental warmth, love, and reassurance!”
Saturn: “You may think that, my child… but I need you to understand that I was so harsh, cold, and distant while you were growing up – simply because I was protecting you from all the harsher realities of life. I didn’t want you building up any false, “Pollyanna” expectations, or hopes from life.”
Moon: “Saturn, I still don’t understand your harsh ways – and, yet, I’m sure you’re right. You are so very wise and experienced, and I am so young and know so very little… I’m quite sure you’re right… I’ll never get what I need in order to feel emotionally nurtured, safe, and secure! I promise you, from this day forward, I’ll learn to expect very little emotional satisfaction from life. That way I can never be disappointed…”
Choices… choices… choices…. We’re being wiser when we have learn to decide more than one choices…
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