The easiest way to pay or accept Bitcoin (BTC) is to transfer from person to person, that is, from address to address. This method can be implemented through some smartphone apps. In addition, instead of using the application directly, you can make or receive payments from the websites of the exchanges. All you have to do is send the address of your wallet to the person you will receive payment from, or if you are going to make a payment, get the wallet address of the person you are going to pay.
Bitcoin is an electronic currency, but with any central bank, government agency, company or person, etc. It is possible to separate units up to the 100 millionth digit after the comma. Bitcoin was created using blockchain technology to provide peer-to-peer (P2P) digital money transfer based on peer-to-peer consensus. All transactions made with Bitcoin are recorded on the blockchain. Blockchains are more transparent and public than anything you can think of. In short, it is possible to examine all the transactions from the first day to the present one by one. This is a technology that will end many illegal jobs today.
Bitcoin totals 21 million units
Bitcoin is limited edition. The total number of bitcoins is 21 million. But 21 million BTC is not in circulation yet. BTC is not a product of any government or central bank. BTC or other cryptocurrencies are not printed like traditional coins. They are not physical products. When we examine the recent history, you can buy a house or buy gold (Gram, Quarter, Half, Full, Bullion) with bitcoin. It has started to be used in shopping in many countries, but its usage area is still very low in the world.
Before I forget, I should add that Bitcoin is produced completely virtually. Bitcoin producers are called miners. Bitcoin miners have had a lot of difficulties at certain times. The reason they suffer these difficulties is that the price of Bitcoin drops quite a bit in certain periods. In addition, every individual involved in the Bitcoin miner system begins to ensure the security of the system.
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