You have searched for the meaning of life

You have searched for the meaning of life

But unfortunately it is not found at the moment.

A large part of our life is probably spent searching for the meaning of life. I don’t know how many of us find it or are happy with it. Maybe the meaning of life isn’t where we’re looking.

There is a way that you call life…

You go, he stands. You cannot pass through the same place again. You can’t finish the way you started.

You have accidents, sometimes you hit someone, sometimes someone else hits you. Sometimes you break, sometimes you break. You think you’re rooted out, but you’re growing to pieces and to the side.

As the road changes, you change too. What you say “never” turns into “could be”. When you see a light, you speed up, but it is not always bright, you shiver in the dark.

Sometimes you fall for the decoy. Sometimes you think a place is the last plain. Just when you say “oh” and be happy, you see the steep slope. You walk with “oh effort” and “of”.

Sometimes you slow down, sometimes you speed up. You carry your haste with you. You’re always low when you’re anxious. You take a break, but you never give your heart a break. You plan to hit the road even while resting. You hope to find a better one than the one you like, you don’t stop. You regret it, you collect “if only”.

What we call life is actually a road, a journey.

You get in someone’s way when you least expect it. Someone gets in your way when you least expect it. Sometimes you change the path, sometimes you want to end the path together. Sometimes you say goodbye, sometimes you say goodbye.

You accumulate hope and collect disappointments…

Sometimes your heart hurts, your mind is cracked…

“More” he says “most” willingly, my father, you are walking. Sometimes you don’t even know who wants the “more” and what the “best”. No matter how tired you are of the “must have” guide given to you, you always want it in your pocket. You are walking your own path with someone else’s map. Knowing that it only happens once… That you live once… Maybe knowing that you will love a hundred times, that you will be disappointed a thousand times, but that you will live once…

Asking “what do I want” is of course a great question, but pecking it hurts the heart. And when a person does not say goodbye to himself, he cannot say goodbye to anyone.

I know there are many things we want to fix, we want to finish, we want to start… But it is not possible to do all of them at once and keep up with everything. Because we lose ourselves while trying to grow up, to grow up, to be enough. We forget to see the beauties on the road we pass in the rush of direction.

As he said in an interview with “Life will never be a holiday”. That’s why it’s best to live every day as if it’s a holiday. May your path be without thorns, may your joy be always…

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