Why didn’t Rosa Luxemburg commit suicide?

Why didn't Rosa Luxemburg commit suicide?

There could be war in Ukraine. If it happens, we will watch it on TV. There are so few interesting programs on TV channels anyway!

Rosa Luxemburg came to mind these days.

Before the First World War, the socialists came together and, especially with the support of the French Jean Jaures, decided that workers and workers should not use weapons against each other in a European war.

In a rally in 1913, “Our brothers in the war, if there are those who think that we will massacre the French, we call them: We will not do such a thing!” cried the Germans.

But when the war broke out in 1914 with a spark in the Balkans, the planned general strike did not happen. Conversely, German and French socialists supported the war. Each side sided with its own state, supported its leaders and decided not to go on strike. They killed each other for four years.

Rosa Luxemburg contemplated suicide.

National states, national societies are like this. Once the war begins, the brainwashed part starts to work. Emotions like principles, common sense, long-term interests, empathy – until final victory – are piled in a dark warehouse of the brain. It is left fallow.

Even people’s ability to count numbers becomes national.

The good news: 200 enemies have been “neutralized”. Bitter news: “one of our soldiers was killed.”

Soldier, gun, blood and death, however, are considered within the scope of “homeland”. The preparation for this was done long ago. Flags, anthems, heroic hymns are pre-investments for such war days.

That is, tawhid education. One punch… The rest is details.

But one punch is not enough, one language is also used. If it’s tight, say something different! Traitors are inexcusable. Brutality is applied even to “us”.

The value of human life is nullified. It even goes below zero. Dying is seen as superior to living. Even fathers take pride in their children who died in war – on each other, that is, on both sides of the warring parties. I guess moms are not like that.

With war, people turn into a different creature. They are completely convinced that they have done a job in exterminating their own kind. They rejoice, as they count as dead, their hearts will be pleasant. They see a field of flowers of the dead and wounded.

Why didn’t Rosa Luxemburg commit suicide?

What they believed in and fought for their sake for years, was reset with a betrayal with the first gunshot.

He struggled for a while longer for his ideas, and in the end he too was shot.

Such is our world! Be realistic and not commit suicide! Maybe it’s best not to watch the news on TV.

It is perhaps unnecessary to say that those who fight are cowards, hypocrites, liars and demagogues, ruthless.

Are they human? Shall we say, “This is the people”?

Or is it more correct to say that this is the nation state, national belief and nationalism?

Opposing war has its price. As a nation you will compromise; You may have to give up some of your claims to prevent war. You may need to discount your national pride as a person.

And worst of all, you can be alone in front of society.

So it is harder to oppose war than it is to fight.

If you say that war is necessary, good luck to you. You can proudly watch virtual successes on television without thinking about suicide.

After all, we have always been “like children in wars…”

Why do people speak for peace and against wars? Not to oppose the war, of course, but to “say” you are against it. He wants to show his neighbor and himself how peace-loving he is. To ease your conscience while you are on the side of the war!

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