Experts draw attention to the danger of digital assets may be erased in an instant in a central meta-universe where there is no DAO concept.
We also see Metaverse, the popular word of the last period, or Metaevren in Web 3 discussions. We see that Web 2.0 giants such as Facebook are working with Metaverse and preparing themselves for the new era. Developers drew attention to this issue. If we are going to bring property to the forefront in metauniverse projects, we need to position it on Web3 culture, if we are going to highlight other advantages that technology giants will bring, we need to position it on Web2 culture.
Currently, projects are emerging from both wings. But if we are going to produce a character by making long efforts in the place we call the meta-universe, and if this character will have digital assets, it is not very meaningful that we do not own the assets. The difference between virtual reality projects and Web3 school meta-universe projects is the management style of this universe and the rights of users. The validity of the concept we call DAO leaves the management in this universe to the inhabitants, namely the users. Otherwise, the digital assets that you have accumulated for years in a central meta-universe can be deleted in an instant. Just like your social media page can be shut down all of a sudden today.” says.
Oevelopers who expects to be influenced by Web 3.0 in different sectors such as communication, marketing or education, said, “This list has no end. Tourism, media, sports etc. We need to develop a thinking system. How did things go when moving from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0? All sectors were positioned by gradually finding elements that would benefit them. Likewise, this will happen in the Web3 phase. Financial motivation will replace the social motivation that the institution or brand sends to and receives from its users.
In fact, the social motivation that a brand sends to each other through comments and likes will be replaced by financial motivation. Quality content producers will benefit greatly from financial motivations. I anticipate that the sectors that move to the Web 2.0 stage more easily will also be the pioneers in the Web3 stage. Especially celebrities, NGOs and brands that want to reach the masses will be positioned here more quickly.”
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