A glimpse into the future of the Metaverse

A glimpse into the future of the Metaverse

The concept of NFT first entered our lives towards the end of last year. Although NFT created excitement in the crypto universe, we started to talk about the concept of ‘Metaverse’ frequently in the future. Along with Metaverse, work continues on Web 3.0 concepts such as NFT. In this article, we wanted to make an assessment of the future of Metaverse.

While many startups are trying to develop their own ‘Metaverse’, investors have already competed for ‘virtual lands’ and risked large sums of money. The business has grown so much that Facebook, which thinks that the future is in the Metaverse, changed its company name to Meta and gave the message that it would increase its investments in this field.

“The metaverse is actually an old concept”

“The metaverse has been in our lives since the early ages, until today. It reflects the feelings we have for each other during the processes that we see each other. The “hello” sound on the other side of the invention of the first Graham Bell phone can be considered as the first steps of the Metaverse ecosystem. Because we have come to believe that someone you do not see on the other side is there just by hearing his voice.

Cryptocurrencies, which entered our lives in 2009, started to transform into crypto assets. Metaverse components gradually began to take shape in our lives, until the discovery of smart contracts, De-Fi ecosystems or the underlying blockchain.

That is, until they come to the point of attracting people’s attention with the pandemic period. While all these crypto assets have been involved in the change of the financial ecosystem until this date, they have started to find a place for themselves in the process brought by the pandemic, especially in performance, music, art and similar processes.

This brought NFTs into our lives. NFTs have become the visual and incarnation of ownership in cryptoassets. Then gradually the Metaverse began to weave its own webs.

In a nutshell, Metaverse is the same as being able to sense the other person’s presence from our first phone call without being aware of their presence. Today, together with VR glasses, it is the most basic structure that makes our imagination come true to the points we have never been to, that we have never seen, and that makes us believe when we see it.

“Which Metaverse project will be decisive?”

What we call metaverse is not something that a mass or institution can monopolize. That’s why anyone who wants can create their own Metaverse, whether individually or institutionally, and appeal to different people and different age groups with different applications on this universe.

The metaverse began to evolve from a singular state. And the ‘Multiverse’ structure appeared before us. In other words, the most talked about topic today is the news of buying and selling land on Metaverse. You can copy that terrain as many times as you want as it is not a physical structure on a single world. When a place is sold through a Metaverse, it doesn’t end up being finished or just become that person. Then in another Metaverse, perhaps you will be the owner of that region.

Here, too, the process that will show which is more tangible or which is more functional is the interest of people. If that Metaverse is more effective, more functional, or crowded than the other, that region in that Metaverse will become more usable and valuable than the other.

First of all, we have now found a deserted island and we are trying to parcel out lands around this uninhabited island. But as it is today, it is not a situation where a decision has been made yet where it will be popular. Because this will not depend on a decision mechanism. DAOs will appear here. In other words, by starting to make decisions on their own, decision mechanisms that can reach millions of more than 2 people will enter our lives. As the parcel owner of that island, you will have the right to speak there.

We are currently in the construction phase. If you pay attention, everyone is after to fence the lands. After that, we will see what will be built on it and what kind of production or content will be presented through the places built. The people who will present that content will develop a separate rental or sales methodology and we will see their processes. Then we will gradually transfer the things we can do in daily life to that side. We will be able to bring up different things that are not in our minds. I try to express this in my other conversations, for example, if you are a tire manufacturer in the world, it is not possible to produce a tire outside the circle. If you are going to do this in the Metaverse ecosystem, then you can produce triangular, pentagonal or even octagonal tires.

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