The mistakes of people with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome can have costly consequences for them. In the face of this harsh reality, it is time for those who are asleep in the wonderland to wake up.
The book “Alice in Wonderland”, which tells about Alice’s adventures in an abstract world, is one of the best-known examples of fantasy fiction today. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson could not have known that this book, published under the pseudonym “Lewis Carroll” in 1865, would become one of the leading classics of children’s literature. Another thing that Dodgson could never foresee is; was that this fantastic story he wrote would later give its name to a syndrome.
In 1955, British psychiatrist John Todd realized that a syndrome he had observed was similar to the events Alice experienced in the fantasy world. He subsequently named his observation the “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome” and has since been used to describe the condition of people experiencing illusions similar to the fantastical elements in Alice’s story.
In this syndrome, individuals lose their bodily and sensory perceptions. Here, the individual now perceives himself as a whole or any of his limbs as larger or smaller than his surroundings. In this syndrome, the individual often starts to think that he is bigger than his environment and acts accordingly. This beginning means closing the door of reality and sailing into an ocean shaped by fantastic fiction. As we will see below, this sailboat eventually capsizes.
World of illusions
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, also; It also expresses the great illusions in the individual’s perception of touch and time. In this syndrome, the person cannot distinguish the hardness and softness dosages of the surfaces he touches. It also perceives the shapes and sizes of objects in an erroneous way. For example, it can perceive a round object as a rectangular one.
Similarly, people with this syndrome have an illusion of time perception. Often, it fails to establish the temporal correlation between the near and far future. In short, Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a misperception of reality and therefore a loss of reality. In this loss, the individual cannot realize the many dangers that are close to him and he lives in a wonderful world until he faces that danger. This virtual world is nothing more than his illusions and imagination, which he thinks is real.
Large masses of people sleeping in wonderland
In today’s world, the current power of some countries and large masses breathing from its rosy atmosphere are also in captivity of such a syndrome. This side expresses a typology that believes in the fantastic stories that Alice lives in the world of wonder. His ties to reality are completely cut off.
Yes, people in this typology have a perception that we can call fantastic in today’s world. In this perception, there are “autos produced” in poor countries, “domestic planes”, “domestic and national weapons that will bring the whole world to its knees”, “large underground mineral deposits in the country” and “millions of cubic meters of natural gas reserves”.
Are they the only ones, of course not. Each poor country’s “wonderland” has different characteristics… Yes, the current government and its supporters in these countries are experiencing the “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome” today. The most distinctive feature of this syndrome, as it is known, is the illusion of seeing oneself bigger than it is. This results in acting according to this false size.
An illusion of greatness and a solid beating
So, what are the consequences in nature of pretending to be big even though it is not big? For example, the person who sees the objects around him smaller than they are, or the person who sees himself larger than they are; Thinking that he will cross the stream with one step, he may throw himself in the middle of a high flow of water. The attempt of a pedestrian who has such a mistake to cross the road ends in an inevitable accident. Again, our erroneous individual, who defies a large-bodied person, will come out of this encounter with a solid beating.
The greatness syndrome of dictatorial countries had such results. However, these results affected not only them, but everyone except a small minority living in the country. The dictatorial countries came out of this encounter with a solid beating…
Dreams crashing into the real world
The current power living in Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, arrogantly, hit the real world: So what result did this syndrome of the pro-power masses and power living in wonderland today have or does?
Yes, these mistakes of people with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome had costly consequences for them. In the face of this harsh reality, it seems that it is time for those asleep in the wonderland to wake up.
The stony truth of life shakes people up from this dream. The ordinary person tends to be attached to such syndromes; This is probably why, without such shocking clashes, the awakening of society is unlikely. For the large dormant masses, this is the last exit before the bridge. Now is the time to wake up!
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