Normalization signals: Does life return to normal again in Europe?

Normalization signals: Does life return to normal again in Europe?

Normalization signals. The harsh measures taken to combat the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak, which has killed more than 85,000 people, have begun to be loosened by some countries in Europe. Kovid-19, which has been transmitted to more than 2 million people in the last 5 months and caused close to 130 thousand casualties worldwide, brought life to a halt in Europe.

On the continent, governments have worked hard to prevent the collapse of health systems by implementing a wide range of applications, from the declaration of a state of emergency (OHAL) to the prohibition of going out, to prevent the spread of the virus.

Although the epidemic continued its impact in Europe, the decline in the number of daily dead and new cases in some countries led to the idea that a normalization process could be resumed.

Dr. Global Health Specialist at Oxford Said Business School. In an interview with CNN, Peter Drobac said countries that loosened the restrictions were very promising and important for the West. “There is still a lot to learn about how quarantine rules should be relaxed,” Drobac said.

World Health Organization European Regional Director Dr. Hans Kluge stressed that the situation is still alarming for Europe last week and said it was not time to relax the measures. “We are still at the center of the pandemic,” Kluge reminded that seven of the ten countries most affected by this pandemic worldwide are located in Europe.

A study on the epidemic of China, published in the medical journal The Lancet, suggested that coronavirus quarantines in the world should not be completely removed until a vaccine for the disease is found.

Normalization signals: Does life return to normal again in Europe?

US plans to relax virus measures

Restrictions such as the “stay at home” instruction and the closure of non-mandatory workplaces were extended until May 15 due to the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak in New York.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a press conference that the restrictions imposed by the outbreak in the state will be extended for another month.

Cuomo noted that the decline in the number of patients connected to the case, hospitalization and artificial respirators continues. US President Donald Trump announced that the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) measures taken in his country will be relaxed in 3 stages, but the decision is in the state governors.

Stating that the measures taken against Kovid-19 have yielded results, Trump pointed out that unlike the first estimates in the USA, fewer than 100 thousand people are expected to die, “Current death estimates are more optimistic. I do not mean optimistic death estimation, there is no such thing. 1 even the person is too much for us. ” said.

“The curve straightened as the virus progressed. We left the vertex behind us,” Trump said. he spoke. Pointing out that the US economy has been damaged due to the measures taken against the virus, Trump said, “The long term stopping of the US economy is not sustainable.” used the expression.

“In the light of the data we have, our team of experts decided to move on to the next front in our fight against the virus. We call this process” reopening America “.” said. Stating that they have prepared a plan for the operation of this process, but the implementation decision is in the state governors, Trump said, “Some states were not affected by the virus. These states may start before May 1. However, if a state does not want to relax virus measures, we will allow them to continue their virus measures.” found in the description.

“We have done 3.5 million tests so far,” said Trump, who said that the US is testing more than any other country. shared his knowledge. According to the White House plan, some conditions will be sought in the states to go through the process of loosening virus measures. These include criteria such as the decline of virus cases for 14 consecutive days, and hospitals reaching the capacity to treat patients without a crisis program.

The states that meet these criteria will begin to loosen their measures in 3 stages. In the first stage, while many of the existing measures continue, some venues such as gyms, places of worship, restaurants, movie theaters will be allowed to be opened with the condition of maintaining social distance. Bars will remain closed at this stage.

In the second stage, the provinces where there is no increase in virus cases will be able to allow non-essential travel and, on the condition of maintaining the social distance, schools and bars can be opened in addition to the places in the first stage.

The states that do not have any problems in the first two stages will be able to move to the third stage. At this stage, while maintaining social distance, the customer capacity of restaurants and bars can be increased and visitors can be accepted to nursing homes.

It is emphasized that in all these stages, vulnerable groups should not contact anyone, and employees should take social distance in their workplaces.

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