What if the coronavirus turns us into a zombie!

What if the coronavirus turns us into a zombie!

Coronavirus updates. You are on a deserted street on your own, there are no signs of life other than cars that pass by you once in a while. A few hundred meters ahead, your eyes are on an animal that you cannot distinguish between cats and dogs. While your head is busy with it, you come to nose with someone around the corner.

He jumps on you without even thinking about it and puts his hand on your face… He says, “I have become corona, be you,” and laughs away from you. You can’t even turn your face and look behind it. You can think of this scene as a scene from the famous Walking Dead series. I can say that I watched some episodes of breathless walking Dead; Thinking that human beings may face such a disaster someday.

I had seen similar landscapes in war zones before. Blackness, ruined streets, vague blackouts and the most frightening is a blood-freezing silence. Everything depends on a simple virus. An uncertain virus, where it came from, and what the reason is, is almost swept away from humanity in a very short time.

Huge cities are deserting in a short time, zombies are rising every step. With a bite, they turn the leftovers into themselves. As I was strolling on the street last night, I thought of the coronavirus and Walking Dead movie, and it was a laugh. I also added the signs of the apocalypse in religious books, and knitted with Yecüc Mecüc. I didn’t even realize how my steps got faster.

What if the coronavirus turns us into a zombie!
Walking Dead

Like a Walking Dead rehearsal in my coronavirus eye, bite in one and contact in the other. It’s that simple. The air was slightly dark. As soon as I took my step on the street, someone from the opposite direction started walking down the pavement, where five people could easily walk side by side, walking on the road, making me feel as if he was dragging me under his glasses.

The wind was just as frightening as its music, like the backdrop for a horror movie. I did not meet anyone except a person who treated me like a zombie in a half hour walk, except a few vehicles. There is no curfew yet, but people are locked in the house. Because now everyone is a potential carrier of coronavirus. It’s a zombie on its own.

In fact, this simple virus has revealed the desperation of human beings. I dreamed about the fear of those who think about themselves on Mount Kaf and read from the prompter in front of the cameras every day, who have made speeches for hours. Was that a fly that killed Nemrut a virus like this?


Life will continue despite everything and the coronavirus will be forgotten someday. But by leaving deep traces behind it, perhaps by destroying hundreds of thousands of years of traditions and customs of mankind.

For example, maybe people will not be able to shake hands anymore and hug each other. Maybe he will not be able to perform pure prayers in mosques anymore. Neighborly relations will weaken, and friends and friends will be on the shelf. Maybe even halay will not be shot. Nobody will get on a crowded bus or van. Who knows theaters, cinemas, matches will be history…

What else does corona cause? Some beings who think they have superhuman characteristics can suddenly find themselves in drain pipes like Gaddafi. You ask why?

Mankind can be deceived by religion, morality, nationalism, money, seat, sexuality, villa, but a hungry person cannot be deceived in any way. Especially, sit at home and go out.

He took everything in front of him like floods, who washed the embankments, and hungry people… I witnessed how this happened in Egypt and Tunisia. When he started collecting snow like a snowball, no power can stand before him anymore.

I am aware that I connect every event to the Walking Dead with the scare of the deserted street. As the zombies turn to the smallest sound, I am beginning to think that are we being directed somewhere with the coronavirus epidemic?

Is someone doing some tests on us? Are we really zombie and we don’t know? In fact, hundreds of questions can be asked if there is a conspiracy. But my last word is not a conspiracy. Coronavirus is not resolved soon pregnant very important developments. To tell me.

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