Undoubtedly, the most favorite clothing of these cold winter days is cashmere and silk. However, it is preferred by very few people because its prices are quite expensive. Nevertheless, we wanted to give brief information about these two in case you want to buy cashmere and silk clothes. You can find brief information about how to care and how to wash it in this article.
Soft Gold – Cashmere
Cashmere, the most passionate texture in the world, is obtained by cashmere goats whose native name is Capra Hircus, who lives in Inner Mongolia. The soft layer formed under the main wool of these goats to protect them from the harsh winter climate is called cashmere. Every year, at the beginning of spring, locals comb this special texture with their traditional combs without harming the goats.
As a result of this delicate process that has been going on for centuries, only 30-60 grams of cashmere per year comes from a cashmere goat. In other words, for a pure cashmere sweater, 5-6 years old cashmere of a goat is required! That’s why the cashmere texture is so valuable. Besides being rare, it is the most unique gift you can give to your cashmere skin with its 100% natural and heat balancing feature.
Silk: As delicate as your skin
According to legend, pure silk was discovered by a Chinese Empress in 2700 BC. Silk, which has been named as the “Silk Road” known as the longest trade route in the world, extending from East China to the Mediterranean, has been one of the most valuable yarns in the world for almost 5000 years.
Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the silk beetle Bombyx Mori; There is about 1000 meters of silk thread in a single cocoon. The silk, which is one of the strongest yarns in the world, has 18 amino acids compatible with the skin, and it also protects your skin’s moisture balance, does not sweat and is hypoallergenic. We hope you feel the excitement of the Chinese Empress every time your skin experiences this magical texture.
Care and washing tips
Except for those recommended for dry cleaning, the products should be hand washed with shampoo and washed with care. Cashmere and silk should never be hung, wrung out or machine washed. Shampoo pour in 30 degree warm water by hand and foam. Wash your clothes by rubbing them gently without waiting in water. Rinse in warm water, collect in the palm and tighten without turning. Spread it dry on a flat surface, preferably on a clean towel or cloth, in an artificial heater
Since cashmere is a 100% natural texture, its feathering is normal and the highest quality cashmere can also fluff. Since no chemical treatment is carried out so that the products do not lose their naturalness, friction may occur in areas where friction is intense for a certain period of time during the first uses. You can clean the wool lumps formed by yourself with cleaning machines.
Cashmere and silk are very valuable textures and can be used with pleasure for many years if recommended. Since it is natural textures, it is much softer than other synthetic mixture cashmere products. There is no chemical mixture and substance in any product.
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