The right concept, the right meaning, intelligence and information

The right concept, the right meaning, intelligence and information

Intelligence and information. In world societies, alienation to concepts and science has started for a long time. More precisely, society is wanted to be removed from the truth. In fact, these “alienation to the truth”, which we can call “brain manipulation”, is applied systematically. This, in turn, leads to getting away from the truth and creating a right for everyone, so that “brain manipulation” is fed by the fact that everyone is their own truth.

The alienation engineers have been at work for fifty years. The most effective tool to disrupt brain manipulation is schools, correct knowledge taught in schools and universal value judgments. They first agreed that the truth should be destroyed at its source. At the point we have reached today, the concepts have been emptied, education has been removed from universal values, the religious foundations of the Middle Ages have become the basis in education again. In higher education, students were transformed into a memorizing machine, deprived of expressing themselves in two full sentences and removed from academics.

In parallel, it was attempted to use truths and wrongs together and to establish connections in favor of wrong between right and wrong. The slightest expression of carelessness, moderately heavy expression of lack of thought, and the heaviest expression of ignorance helped this tactic succeed. Let us analyze the following two sentences (proposition) within this framework: “I cannot interfere in the judgment. But the judiciary cannot interfere with me.” The use of these two sentences in this order and manner by a politician who has the power to govern is to justify the mistake.

The first sentence, which is true and acceptable to everyone, coupled with the carelessness and ignorance of the hearer, makes the second very wrong sentence correct. You ask why? There are three independent powers in the democratic states of law: the judiciary, the executive and the legislature. The executive body is responsible for acting and managing in accordance with the laws made by the legislature, and the judiciary is responsible for checking whether the executive’s work and actions are lawful. It is the Constitutional Court, which is also a judicial body, which oversees the legislature.

In other words, the judiciary is in everyone’s business, but within the framework of the laws made by the legislature. In case of violation of the Constitution, which is the basic norm, it has the right to be involved even in the activity of the legislature. However, nobody can interfere with the judicial activity of the judicial body. So, if the head of the executive branch said the two sentences above by replacing them, he would not have believed even individuals who did not know much about law and separation of powers. But first, by using a sentence that is true, it provides misconception about a sentence that is wrong.

The result of this “brain manipulation” we are talking about

1. Unlawfulness
2. Failure to follow the rules
3. Distancing from universal values
4. Not praising the right thing
5. Wrong social problems such as not being able to eat.

The best treatment for this discomfort is to read and capture the correct information.

Spreading information only over the internet does not always help to find the truth. Because there are many wrong information on the internet. However, banning the internet is also an absurd. It is necessary to ensure that people who need to be able to reach the skills they can analyze the accuracy of the information they receive.

The most important tool to achieve this is the “mind” that everyone has and rarely uses. So first of all, we must learn to filter what we hear and read through the minds of our minds. This happens with practice. In addition to the exercise, tutorials are needed in order to keep the holes of our mind’s filter open at appropriate intervals, which will ensure that false information flows.

What are these? Our books and teachers. So our guides. But only the mind, or just the book, or just the teacher is missing. These must complement each other. For example, it is the product of mind that man discovers fire. Cooking on fire is information. It is wise for man to discover the wheel. It is information to make a car and use the wheel in a car. If we open a little more, the discovery of the wheel is reason, the use of the wheel is the mind + knowledge and the car is used to produce and use it there is mind + knowledge + experience (knowledge). So the mind reaches the conclusion when combined with knowledge. Mind alone ensures survival though; but it won’t work. Similarly, information that is not integrated with the mind does not lead to any result. There is no accumulation of knowledge where there is no mind and does not merge with knowledge.

So how can you manipulate a person? In everyday language we call it “confusing” people. How do you confuse a person? By closing the holes in the mind filter; By equipping the mind with false information, misplacing the meanings of universal concepts. For example, if it is understood that “I act as I want” when it says “legal norms”, there is a mistake.

When it is understood that “separation of powers”, it is understood that “the forces that draw the framework of democracy cannot interfere in any way” are wrong. If the traffic rules are thought to be obeyed if there are police, it is only afraid of the consequences of not obeying those rules, but the “order” brought by the rules is ignored. If military interventions come to mind when it comes to “saving or restoring democracies”, it is an indisputable fact that the society is experiencing a trauma.

Universal values ​​like this are “universal” on the name. A value that is changed or interpreted individually loses its universality. It is through raising generations free of intellect, conscience, and open mind, blending the mind with knowledge and adding experience to it. He is free of mind and conscience, open-minded, praises the truth, denies wrong, and is therefore beneficial to society if he can always keep the holes of the mind filter open; universal values ​​are also preserved.

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