Whenever an Olympic opening is held, Germany will definitely remembers 1972 Munich Olympics Games. There are several reasons for this.
The first is that 40 years have passed since the 1972 Munich Olympics, which went down in history with a bloody act. The Arab activists, who remembered the four September 5 during the Munich summer games, took 11 Israeli athletes hostage and later killed them. It was determined that the attackers were members of the armed organization “Black September”, which was established within the Fatah resistance organization in 1971, and that it organized the action to punish Jordan for the Black September events.
Later, the attack, which was also the subject of novels and films, took its place on the pages of history as a sign of German and Israeli intelligence and bankruptcy of politics. The request of the Black Separatists who took hostage athletes was the release of 200 detainees and two German Red Army Faction members who were held in Israeli prisons. Israel hastily negotiated, and the German government refused Israel’s desire to send its own special anti-terrorist squad to the region.
After a while, the attackers gave up their demands and wanted to go abroad by moving to the planes accompanied by helicopters. The German police force did not have a team of experts, and the German army could not intervene according to German law. The protesters got into two helicopters provided with hostages and moved towards the airport, but encountered an empty plane at the airport. At this time, the projection lamps were lit and volunteer snipers began firing. As a result of some of the activists’ responses, 11 Israeli athletes and coaches, 1 German police officer and 5 activists died, and three injured, one injured. After the incident, many countries left the Olympics and the summer games ended before completion.
German intelligence hid and destroyed information
Secondly, the weekly magazine der Spiegel’s claim that a few weeks before the Munich Olympics, information about the attack was received from the German Intelligence and Foreign Ministry, but no action was taken, and then this event was hidden. Published on Monday, der Spiegel brought the issue to his cover this week. The magazine bases its news on the reports of the investigators, embassies and the federal government and the Bavarian State government.
Documents issued by the prime ministry federal constitution protection agency and the foreign ministry at the request of Spiegel show that it was decided to keep some information in order to prevent mutual accusations and self-criticism of the institutions. The same documents reveal that there was a security weakness, Palestinian attackers waved their hands in the building where the Israeli delegation was sitting on the day of the action, and even had all the detailed information about the places.
Of course, the public was not informed about them. The fact that the Munich prosecutor’s office launched an investigation against Manfred Schreiber on the grounds that he caused death due to neglect. It is really a question of why German authorities do not take the warnings from 17 different sources seriously. However, two of them are very clear.
Neonazi fingerprints in messevri
According to the claim made by Der Spiegel, Germany’s Ambassador to Beirut received information from trustees on August 14, 1972 that the Palestinians were planning an action during the Olympic games in Munich, and the foreign ministry informed the Bavarian state constitution protection agency four days later. He asked for action. The action plan was even published in the Italian magazine Gente three days before the attack, but security officials did not even consider it. According to the information given by der Spiegel, the employer of German Neonazi Willi Pohl called the Dortmund police and stated that his staff helped Palestinians and Israeli athletes for an attack, and the Dortmund police conveyed this information to Munich.
In his interview with Bayrischer Rundfunk television, the extreme right-wing Pohl, who was working as a crime writer under the name of “Willi Voss”, explains clearly how the protesters met and challenged Abu Daud, and that the weapons might have been obtained from the People’s Bureau, which then served as the Libyan consulate. Caught after the action, Pohl was sentenced to two years in prison for carrying unauthorized weapons and was released a few days later. And anyway, Voss’s punishment was deleted from the records, and all information and documents about terrorist warnings and even security scenarios were eliminated.
The British commissioned the army
It is not possible to be surprised by the security weakness in 1972, considering the negligence of secret services regarding doner murders in Germany and how various documents and information were destroyed. Of course, the discovery and discussion of this weakness and the publication of news, comments and documentaries about the media every day do not bring back the victims of terrorism, but it is a warning.
This year, Israel was alarmed after a suicide attack on Israeli tourists last week in Burgas, one of the holiday resorts of Bulgaria. MOSSAD thinks that the attack that five Israelis and one Turk lost their lives may be a warning, a bigger attack is planned and it shows Iran as the address. For this reason, Munich Olympics were once again brought to the fore due to the safety of the London Olympics.
The private company, which won the tender for the security of the games, announced last week that it would not be able to handle the necessary work, and the British government mobilized the army. That’s why 13,500 British soldiers, as well as tens of thousands of police, will work during the Olympics. Unmanned aerial vehicles will control the 18-kilometer electronic fenced stadium. In fact, it is a pity that the Olympics, which are desired to turn into an international feast, have become an extraordinary security zone. Unfortunately, when it comes to security, flowing water stops.
Returning to the question of why the German intelligence and security agency did not take the warnings in 1972 seriously: I think that the desire to cover the shame of Berlin olympics during the Hitler period in 1936 is a bit of a mentality that “a thousand years that do not touch me”.
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