Remembering the best songs of 1974

Remembering the best songs of 1974

How do you remember the year 1974? Especially those who experienced adolescence that year will remember very well. In other words, those who were born in the late 1950s and early 1960s … That generation had just started adolescence and was getting acquainted with the music of that period. Therefore, 1974 was an unforgettable year for them.

For example, a YouTube user interprets popular music of 1974 with the following words: “Love listening to the oldies. 70’s music. Makes me wish i was a teenager again. A time when there wasn’t so much hate in the world. You could leave your doors and cars unlocked. Walk down to the local store without any worries. Miss those days. ”

Another YouTube user expresses his feelings with the words: “1974 was a good year for me as a child. Fell out of the car while it was moving while visiting Fort Knox when my brother was in the Army. Thats only one minor incident. Kindergarten was the best. Life was good then. Id hate being a child today. ”

Some other comments on YouTube are as follows:

“1974 was a year of progression for me. A young child to hear so many amazing songs sounded so awesome. We don’t here this kind of music these days.”


Seasons in the Sun – Terry Jacks
Dancing Machine – The Jackson 5
Rock Your Baby (2012 Remaster) – George McCrae
You Make Me Feel Brand New – The Stylistics
Touch The Wind (Eres Tu) – Mocedades
The Night Chicago Died – Paper Lace
Waterloo (Swedish Version) – ABBA
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds – Elton John
Mandy – Barry Manilow
Let Me Be There – Olivia Newton-John

“These are the songs of my teens, growing-up years of my life. So many nostalgic memories, I love it, I can’t hold back my tears.”

“The last great music decade was the 80’s !! Today’s music that’s being pushed by the radio stations is Garbage!”

“Born 59. 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 3/4’s of the 90’s was the time to live! Pre Computer age and in many ways easier! More freedom, less authority, but what authority there was, it was stricter, not punitive! It maintained discipline, did not destroy it and there was definately less angst in society. We knew where we stood! Miss all of it!”

“1974 is when I decided (not by choice) girls looked different than they did the Summer before.”

“All of these songs told stories in a way! Can you imagine today’s music actually telling a story? They only write about demeaning women, drugs and being ‘gangstahs’. So sad!”

“I wonder what would happen to this memories when we, the generation that keep this jewels alive, die out, we are all gone, nobody will remember those old good times, Im 59 now little by little we will leave, and the younger generation will never know what was it like back then.”

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