3.000-year-old mummy was spoken; here is the voice of the mummy

3.000-year-old mummy was spoken; here is the voice of the mummy

Researches recreate what mummy’s voice would have sounded like.

In England, scientists managed to bring the voice of a mummified Egyptian priest 3,000 years ago to life with artificial vocal cords. Scientists managed to get a sound that sounds like ‘eeuuughhh’, similar to the letter ‘e’.

It is aimed to obtain the sentences of Egyptian Priest Nesyamun, who is known as the only mummy left from the 11th Ramses era in the future, through computer programs.

Noting that Nesyamun’s mummified body is well preserved, the researchers stated that this method can be applied. Because it is only possible to copy the sound path when soft tissue is not damaged.

According to the researchers, Nesyamun was a high-level priest of the Amun Temple in the town of Karnak in today’s El Uksur city on the banks of the Nile River. It is stated that the priest conducts religious rituals, which also require singing, so he needs a strong voice.

Scientists estimate that Nesyamun is suffering from gum disease and tooth decay, possibly dying in his 50s due to an allergic reaction. The mummy of the priest at the Leeds City Museum was first exposed in 1824.

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