Every person seeks absolute happiness in his life. For this reason, he tries many methods to be spiritually and physically happy in his life cycle. In fact, health is the key to happiness. There is little that can make a person unhappy with the health of himself and his loved ones.
The success of the önle prevent disease before its emergence ’approach, which is accepted almost as a golden rule in medicine, is based on the fact that people try to live healthy by taking care of their possible diseases and have their health checks regularly. “There is no reason for a person who doesn’t neglect the controls he needs to have according to his age and gender, who exercise well, balanced and naturally, exercise regularly, Ac said Acıbadem Kocaeli Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist. Soner Dileklen, for this, extremely easy to implement tips shared.
Manage your health
Healthy lifestyle; This means that people have a long, happy life in good condition both mentally and mentally, before they get serious, difficult to treat and long-lasting illnesses. “When people are generally healthy, we don’t really appreciate it. Being healthy in our normal life cycle makes us think as if we will never be sick. However, especially modern medicine is very important to take precautions before they appear. There are many methods that can be used for this. İç Soner Dileklen points out that it is not a good idea to face the facts when our health deteriorates.
Dr. Soner Dileklen emphasizes that if we show the same care we take for the annual maintenance of the cars we use for our own health, especially diseases such as lung, breast and large bowel cancers can be diagnosed early and the person’s life expectancy will increase and the quality of life will increase.
Keys to Healthy Life
There is no need for a magic wand to lead a healthy life where all possible problems can be controlled. Diet experts share the keys to a healthy life as follows:
• Always eat adequate, balanced and natural.
• Perform regular physical activity, provided that you determine your activity according to your general health and age.
• Stay away from cigarettes, tobacco products and alcohol, which adversely affect the lung and invite many diseases.
• Observe the hygiene rules. By simply washing your hands properly, you can prevent many diseases before they occur.
• Live as stress-free as possible.
• Live in a healthy and natural environment. Especially the quality of the air you breathe and the water you drink is very important.
• Sleep regularly. Sleep patterns are one of the most important factors affecting the immune system.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Have all your health checks regularly, especially after the age of 40, without waiting to be sick. Remember, having a check is always easier than waiting for treatment.
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