Brand new discoveries about dreams

Brand new discoveries about dreams

Dreams are one of the most inexplicable mysterious things in our lives. Today, when many unknowns become clear, many issues related to dreams still remain unknown. There are many unknown question marks about dreams. Research reveals unknowns about dreams.

Not everyone can dream colorful
12% of people dream black and white. Today, only 4.4% of those under 25 have their dreams in black and white. In recent research it was claimed that the reason for this was the transition from black and white television to color television.

You can dream between 4-8 overnight
When we see a very deep sleep, our brain prevents our body from acting. Thus, we are prevented from performing our dream movements during sleep. But sometimes this process is prolonged, and when we wake up, human parts cannot move and make noises as a result of some parts of the brain failing to wake up and failing to fulfill their tasks. In short, the mind wakes up earlier than the body. This condition, which is not often seen, is called ”sleep paralysis.. It is mostly seen in people with intense stress and psychological problems. This can be solved by medication under doctor’s supervision.

We forget 90% of our dreams
In the first 5 minutes of waking up, we forget half of our dream and in 10 minutes we forget most of our dream.

Blind people also dream
People who have lost their eyesight after birth can also see objects in their dreams. People who are visually impaired at birth, instead of seeing images in their dreams, hear sounds, smell smells and touch objects they cannot see through contact.

Without exception, everyone dreams
Except for those with a severe psychological disorder, everyone dreams. If you think you’re not dreaming, you’re absolutely wrong, because you just forget your dream.

We only see the faces of people we know before in our dreams

Our brain does not invent new human faces to us in our dreams, even if we do not remember the faces we see in our dreams, we surely have seen them for a moment in our real life. Throughout our lives we see hundreds or even thousands of people’s faces, so our brain has an infinite archive of faces.

Our dreams are symbolic
If you think too much about a particular object, it is most likely that you dream about it. Dreams speak to you in a symbolic language and in depth.

Men often dream of other men
70% of the characters in men’s dreams are male characters. Women in their dreams, men and women are seen in equal frequency in addition to men in women’s dreams are more aggressive feelings than women.

We have an average of 1460 dreams per year
Considering that there are 365 days in a year, acording to this average, people have 4 dreams every night.

You can really have an orgasm as you see in your dream having sex
People dream that they have sex in their dreams, but physically they don’t know that they can have orgasms in their dreams. According to the researches, people can experience the same orgasm in their dreams.

Body is paralyzed by a mechanism in your brain during sleep
The triggering of this mechanism may occur before, during or after sleep. The reason why we sometimes see the nightmare is that the brain’s mechanism can take action even when it’s not asleep.

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