Is Internet access prohibited in Cuba?

Is Internet access prohibited in Cuba?

“Internet is forbidden in Cuba” is one of the known mistakes about Cuba. The truth is that internet access to Cuba under the US embargo is limited. In the country where smartphone, Ipad and computer are very common, internet connection is very expensive and slow because it is provided by submarine from Venezuela. As if it wasn’t enough, when the services like Skype and Youtube were banned by the government, the internet became a real torture!

Is Internet access prohibited in Cuba?

The limited internet you can connect to $ 10 for half an hour from luxury hotels in the center of Old Havana does not look like the internet of the 1990s. It may be true if I say that Cubans do not have internet connection in their homes because only 5% of people have internet access in their homes because they cannot pay for the very expensive internet access that is transferred to me. The government is also trying to meet this need by creating internet connection points in parks and open spaces.

When this happens, people’s connection with the world is automatically affected. In the country where music is very important, musicians sell CDs on the streets and try to advertise; Although this situation positively poses to Cuba, it makes us ask, “In what age do we live?”.

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