How accurate are the researches that show that the rich are more stingy and less reliable?
It must have happened to everyone. You go to a place to eat or drink with friends; When it came time to pay the account, the hand of the person with the best financial status in the group went to the wallet last. You always wonder if they’re rich because they’re stingy like that, or does wealth make them stingy?
This is a complex problem that can be addressed in many ways. A 1993 study found that students studying economics were less helpful to charities than those in the other departments, and did not show much solidarity in solidarity games.
When the students were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of the education, it was determined that the other departments were more generous towards graduation and that the economics students maintained their tight hand at the beginning and end of the education. These are of course averages; There are also very helpful economics students.
One of the researches showing that high-income individuals can perform extraordinary altruistic behaviors has been conducted in the USA. In different states, people who don’t know people have been cared for. More donations were seen in areas of high welfare.
Not accepting mistakes
But another study at the University of California, “If I was on Titanic, I should have been one of the first people deserved to get to the rescue boats,” the statement that the more affirmed by the rich people. The rich also found a stronger tendency not to admit their mistake and to think that they were good at everything.
In another study, a group of people with different income levels was given $ 10 and how much of it was donated to charities. It was seen that those with lower income made more donations.
However, these people became rich before participating in this experiment. Perhaps it was not their richness that led them to behave like this, but because of these behaviors they became rich.
Self-centered thinking
Did the behavior of the wealthy people change in Monopoli instead of reality? In this case, it was seen that most of them became more noisy and started to get more shares from the crackers on the table. When asked how they did it, they talked about how much effort they have made and making smart decisions. Perhaps, even if it was temporary, to have money made one more self-centered.
In another experiment in San Francisco, it was seen whether expensive car owners or poorer vehicles stopped more for passengers to pass through the zebra crossing. It was seen that all of the cheap vehicles stopped and only half of the expensive vehicles stopped.
In another study conducted in the Netherlands with 9,000 people and four times a year, people with high socioeconomic status were found to be more independent and less likely to communicate with others. In financial-based games, the betrayal of the rich players to their opponents was no more than that of the poor.
Donations to charities
What about the donations to charities? Classical research shows that the poorest and richest donors are much more than the middle. The average donation rate to charitable organizations in the United States is 2.3 percent of income. Revenue of more than 300 thousand dollars, 2 percent of this rate reaches 4.4 percent.
This research in Boston shows that the rich are neither more nor less generous and helpful than average people. Only the rich in the upper quarters can make more donations, probably because they have enough power.
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