Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn 2020 means global reset year. Be ready for a brand new beginning and redistribution of power balances.
The Saturn Pluto conjuction, which began to be effective between April and July 2019, will continue to be effective between November 2019 and February 2020 and finally between July and December 2020.
500 years have passed since this last angle was repeated in Capricorn every 33 years. The Saturn Pluto convergence points to a significant break, the emergence of accumulated energy for years, and one of the boiling points of the century. Transit effect, in its most basic interpretation, is the fear of mass extinction and the resistance to survival. At the same time, it can be foreseen that in 2020, when the power balances are broken and redistributed, great examinations await humanity.
The rise of new power dynamics on a personal and global level, fluctuations in source values and redistribution of strategic cards, or power-shifting states are the countries that declare independence and go to reform systems.
Since both planets are a symbol of fear and endings, global and political crises between Saturn and Pluto are foreseen, especially at conjunctions or at opposite angles. In the recent past, Saturn Pluto merged in 1517-1518, 1680, 1914-1915, 1947 and 1982.
- When the Pluto of Saturn in 1914 pointed to the world war, the collapse of the Ottoman and Russian monarchies demanded new governance systems and a completely new map of Europe emerged.
After the end of World War II, the Saturn Pluto coexistence in 1947 symbolized the defeat of Germany and the power vacuum and turmoil in Europe. At this stage, the renewed power distribution increased by the Soviets and America.
The opposite angle of Saturn Pluto is commemorated by the fall of the 2001 twin towers. In 2019, another symbolic tower was demolished at Notre Dame Cathedral as Saturn and Pluto merge.
Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1982 was realized. In the same year, AIDS, known as the plague of modern times, was perceived as a punishment sent to sinful people by God in collective consciousness. Unfortunately, there were people trying to gain power by using the AIDS epidemic in the direction of their religious and political interests.
2020: Fear of extinction
The Saturn Pluto combination can mean delayed reactions to a past savagery, natural disasters, terror attacks, political separations economic crisis nuclear and chemical weapons accidents epidemic epidemics massacre war climate crisis can stimulate one’s most primitive fears of one’s fear of “apocalypse”. Facing the threat of extinction in a personal and collective sense strengthens the desire to survive. When people realize that they may have another chance, despite the terrible developments, the recovery phase begins.
- The moral degeneration of the powers deepened by organized crime and abuse of power can be mentioned, but the destruction of these dominant forces becomes necessary for the birth of a new life.
In 2020, Saturn can mean cleaning, restraining, balancing the “excesses” and “obsessions ğu that the earth is in. Pluto transit requires confrontation with material and spiritual debts transferred from generation to generation.
Pluto breaks down, Saturn builds, so the symbolic association of these two planets promises a globally challenging reconstruction.
- All long-hidden actions and hidden financial crimes in the background of society are now visible. Because when Saturn is combined with Pluto, the shadows become facts. Pluto moves the deeper to the surface and decodes the facts and removes the curtains. Governments’ power and control grows more than the modern world has ever witnessed, but soon after, destruction begins.
Particularly when Mars will move forward / backward in Aries, and Saturn will squarely angle to the Pluto duo, ie in the second half of 2020 (especially in the last few months of 2020), serious political tensions and the possibility of a global war can be mentioned.
There may be crises involving global entities such as the EU, NATO and IMF. In the following period, the emergence of a new political order and economic system may come up.
In April 2020, as Jupiter Pluto is approaching, Mars and Saturn will come together in Aquarius and make a square angle to Uranus. Digital manipulation can occur in virtual sabotage and scandals of geopolitical games.
Currently, including the economy, which is almost ready to overcome the crisis, everything can happen crisis in Turkey as of 2022. Until then, to disrupt plans for the future of Turkey will change after the start time is öngörülelbil. 2020 – 2021 could be a year of major historical events it took place stage for Turkey.
In 2020, a milestone in genetics and physics can be experienced.
Jupiter Saturn merger in Aquarius may bring population planning to the forefront.
Symbolic zero year
We are on the verge of a symbolic and historical “zero year üyle with its astrological aspect. Together with major world events, we will meet perhaps the most powerful and intense emotions we will experience throughout our lives.
The year 2020 can be effective and important especially for those born in 1982 and those born between January 12 and 21 regardless of the year.
The Earth has witnessed various apocalypse. But none of this has been a real end. Doomsday hopes, fears and obsessions are as old as human history. Probably the idea that “we’re ruined is over now” is one of the oldest memories of the world. However, the expected endings meant the transformation of the conditions in the world at the time.
Since the industrial revolution of 1842, we have been exploiting world resources, especially oil, and consuming more resources to achieve more. Now we are the final output that needs to update the vision of humanity.
Saturn takes us to the borders, but not beyond the borders! Crossing the boundaries is more likely through Uranus, Neptune and Pluto transits. Therefore, as the year 2020 pushes our folding boundaries and the search for transformation begins, the transition of Pluto and Neptune between the signs of Pluto and Neptune may change to a new world order, a different perception of civilization.
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