Taglines: Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people
In this love story, Kitty is young, intelligent, shy, and somewhat insensitive. He’s married to Walter Fane. The doctor’s area of expertise is infectious diseases. Being too fond of his work causes his wife to be unhappy, which Walter cannot understand even when he discovers that his wife is cheating on him. On the contrary, with a desire for revenge dollars.
Moreover, he becomes so cruel in this subject that he plans to perform this revenge in a different way. He agrees to practice medicine in a village in China where there is a cholera epidemic that kills everyone. His wife has to go with him. The life they will experience among the people in this village that is trying to exist on their deathbed means a great transformation for them.
As Beigbeder said, is it worth all the effort for love, perhaps a feeling that will last up to three years, is it worth it? Do those who respond positively to these questions think that love is actually a kind of illness, as scientists agree? Or am I revealing my delusions with a selfish and unnecessary abundance, with a very harsh start to the article about a Valentine’s Day movie?
Well, let’s ask; Is that love forgives everything? How does the runner feel when he looks back at the chaser and falls in love? Let’s go even further with the power of our film: How can a spoiled, selfish young woman fall in love with a man who loves him to death? What will enable this to be the answer to the question, whether it is in women or men; what exactly does a man find in a woman; why he doesn’t stop loving it even when it’s not worth it; And let’s sum up, can people change?
The subject was one of the most curious works of 2006 with its leading actors, the first squares from the set and ultimately the trailer. In this adaptation of the novel in China’s exotic locations, two outstanding actors like Edward Norton and Naomi Watts signed one of the most brilliant works of the recent period. He could have. Literally, the duo is also one of the film’s producers.
In the end, we saw the film and realized that it wasn’t surprising that all of the film was shot in China, and that its criticism in Western countries was mediocre. It’s a little “lonely” project that Norton hasn’t been well prepared to fight for six years alone. Perhaps it should begin with the adaptation of the script from the British writer W.
Somerset Maugham’s 1925 novel. Ron Nyswaner, who was nominated for an Oscar for his screenplay for Philadelphia, was able to make his way to a beautiful spot, a monumental text that was never expected of him, while he was able to sign a film that would fit the February air of February 14. It’s not enough China to tell the love between two people. Among the leaked lines, emulate the most beautiful words that have not been said.
As we said, the team is actually intact. We watch at least some of China’s magnificent natural beauties, albeit in the background. There are scale shots that suit the paintings. The director of photography remains low-caliber for a name like Stuart Dryburgh, but especially when he remembers what he did at the Piano, where he was nominated for an Oscar.
The two-time Oscar-nominated outstanding actor Edward Norton looks as good as ever in his film, which he has given years for his withdrawal, not much foreclosure. As you can’t expect the Brigade to play in front of the four and give it a pass, Norton provides a restrained and calm game in the area known to him; betraying his wife trying to suppress his love. Walter Fane.
The beautiful Naomi Watts, nominated for an Oscar nomination for 21 Gram, makes the audience feel what she needs to feel, even though we can’t get used to her hair. However, despite the presence of these two unique actors and the ingenious team behind the camera, director John Curran cannot overcome the screenwriter’s obstacles. The hurry of moving his film to the finals will not be missed by tempometer enthusiasts. Moreover, it rudely passes some breakpoints so that the “human really can change?” is far from answering the question. Curran falls almost as far from showing the power of cinema as China, even when beautiful plans are stacked one after another, when emotions get warmer and the characters’ eyes tear.
Even though it seems familiar from some Turkish films, Duvak feels that she has a very special fabric despite everything. It is as if it is necessary to re-enter the workshop, everything must be done from the beginning, and the stitches must be placed in the right places in the right place.
The Painted Veil of course promises calm beauties for low-blooded romantics who don’t worry about such things. Although cholera reigns in the Chinese town where the story goes, we know that lovers will find what they want to see. You know, sometimes it’s better to ask the right questions than to give the answers. Veil, I wish he did. Had he not tried to answer about love and the change of people. Because the answer is neither convincing nor romantic.
All about The Painted Veil movie.
The Painted Veil (2007)
Directed by: John Curran
Starring: Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Diana Rigg, Catherine An, Liev Schreiber, Bin Wu, Toby Jones, Gesang Meiduo, Lorraine Laurence, Zoe Telford, Maggie Steed
Screenplay by Ron Nyswaner
Hroduction Design by: Juhua Tu
Cinematography by: Stuart Dryburgh
Film Editing by Alexandre de Franceschi
Set Decoration by: Peta Lawson
Costume Design by Ruth Myers
Art Direction by: Mei Kunping, Xinran Tu, Yanrong Xing
Music by: Alexandre Desplat
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some mature sexual situations, partial nudity, disturbing images and brief drug content
Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures
Release Date: January 19, 2007
Views: 196