Where was the lost continent of Mu, anyway?

Where was the lost continent of Mu, anyway?

Throughout history, mankind’s curiosity for research and the fear of the unknown brought about many mysteries. Mankind has always had the desire to reach the unknown and to the highest level. The Lost Continent Mu is one of the thousands of unknowns that still maintains its mystery. As well as its effects in the history of the world, its effects have been widely seen in our own history.

The Lost Continent Mu is a legendary continent where many people have researched, including Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our republic, who was claimed to be in the Pacific Ocean and disappeared 14,000 years ago. Today, the consensus in the scientific world is that the existence of the continent Mu is physically impossible and that the claim has no scientific basis.

Firstly, it was the subject of five books he wrote about and researched by the British officer and traveler James Churchward in Tibet. According to the legend he procured by translating the tablets he found in the Indian temples in the Naga Mayan language he had learned from the priests there in the twelve years, Churchward was several times larger in the Pacific Ocean, between Asia and the Americas. After reaching a high civilization, the island was destroyed by an earthquake or flood about 12,000 years ago.

In his book The Lost Continent of Mu, James Churchward describes the creation of the Lost Continent:

The story of Creation in the Bible – the legend of seven days and seven nights – does not come first from the Nile peoples or the Euphrates Valley, but from the continent of Mu that is now submerged.”

“I found that Mu civilization certainly existed before Greek, Kalde, Babylon, Persia, Egypt and Hindu civilizations. I have discovered that this lost continent extends from northern northern Hawaii to the southern islands of Fiji and the Easter Islands, and is undoubtedly the first place where mankind lives. I learned that the country sank 12,000 years ago with major earthquakes and disappeared in a vortex of fire and water.”

Where was the lost continent of Mu, anyway?

The Sinking of the Lost Continent

An inscription engraved on the wall of the Theotihuacan Palenk Shrine in Mexico describes the sinking of the Lost Continent:

“6 The year of Kaan the terrible ground concussion, which began on the Maluk day of Zak II, continued until 13 Suen. The continent of Mu fell victim to disaster.

After Mu landed twice, one night it collapsed. The earth got up several times and sat down. The disaster has killed 64 million people.”

Mu sank on Friday, 13th of Zak. Since then, “13 iddia is claimed to be the sinister figure of human beings. Mu’s traces have spread from America to Egypt, from Central Asia to Mesopatamia. Just like its existence, its extinction has shaken the entire world deeply.

According to Churchward, Osiris Mu is an Atlantis sage or prophet who was educated on the continent, reformed Atlantis. His teaching was later renamed the “Osiris Dini Dini and was brought to Egypt by Hermes Trismegistus. According to Edgar Cayce’s “akashic readings, an known as the“ sleeping prophet ’in the United States, the factor that caused the collapse of the continent of Mu, like Atlantis, was the destruction of the balance of the Earth’s crust by the members of the satanic way using the nuclear powers.

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