Simurg: The legend of immortal bird that gives life to burning bodies with love

Simurg: The legend of immortal bird that gives life to burning bodies with love

They say that Simurg was the most dazzling bird of the world of birds with its majesty and power. It is said that each creature carries a mark, especially that its face resembles a human being. The common point of all the legends about Simurg is that when he comes to a stage of his life, he will burn the house he lives with and reborn from his ashes. They call Simurg the immortal bird.

Another reason for the admiration for Simurg is that it appears in the environment when it is needed or when a creature needs help. Another belief is that Simurg is witnessing the existence of the world, so that his wisdom is beyond mind, and it is said that he will unite between the earth and the sky.

Rumors tell us that Simurg’s nest is at the top of Kaf Mountain. To get there, it is necessary to cross seven valleys. According to a rumor, all the birds wanted to reach these seven valleys and reach the summit. Only thirty birds reached the summit. It is said that the name Simurg came from there. In Persian, “si“ means thirty “murg” birds.

Don’t look at what I’m saying, I’m going to tell you how the little pigeon lived with love and how he brought Simurg to life. According to a rumor, all the birds admire the imposing Simurg. Simurg admired only Şahin. He’s in love with her. Simurg admired the most spectacular gliding of the highest hills. Simurg and Sahin’s glorious and legendary love goes on and a little dove is overwhelmed by Simurg’s love. The dove who could not fly as high as the hawk lived his love silently from afar, and cried for months.

One day when Simurg went to the forest, he was attacked by a wolf pack. Unbeaten, though undefeated, Simurg. They found him wounded and carried him to his nest on the top of Kaf Mountain. Şahin learned that Simurg was wounded and cried for days without even leaving him.

A pigeon? Do not ask him that he was already writhing with the pain of his immortal love. As the days passed, Hawk stopped crying and his eyes turned to prey. Finally, one day, he went to a blind vulture, Falcon. He didn’t come back, leaving Simurg alone.

With the departure of Şahin, Simurg burned himself not knowing what to do with his love. Simurg, slowly burned for days, shouting and suffering. Of course, in this case Simurg’un wondered how the dove had fallen off the road and dove the challenging path to Simurg. The pigeon’s only wish was to smell it once. But when he got there, he came across the ashes of Simurg. The dove that couldn’t bear it started to cry, and every drop that came out of its eyes fallen on its fallen ashes, and the ashes brought Simurg back to life.

Seeing what happened and the little dove, Simurg passed through the clouds and reached the highest cloud with the dove and told him; Değil It doesn’t matter who loves whom; who misses whom. Your tiny heart; all those loves, longings, all emotions below. You’re stronger than me with your little body. Forgive me for realizing the greatness of the late and accept the love that I have offered you.

What I mean is that it is not hard to die for love, but to give life to burning bodies and smoke ashes. Don’t leave if you really like it. If you like it, don’t leave it. Do not leave, do not go, do not send.

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