A Planet discovered suitable for human living

A Planet discovered suitable for living

The American Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) discovered the planet with favorable conditions for life in a distant solar system.

According to ScienceDaily, NASA’s next planet reconnaissance satellite, TESS, discovered a super planet called ‘GJ 357 d 31, 31 light-years from the Solar System. It is stated that the star of the planet, which is approximately 6 times larger than the Earth, makes orbital rotation in the livable belt called ‘Goldilocks..

It was also noted that the distance of the GJ 357d to the star could allow water to be present on the planet’s surface if the atmospheric pressure was appropriate. Scientists have not yet detected other planets around the stars in Alpha Centauri. The Chandra X-ray Telescope, named after the Nobel Prize-winning Indian astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, has been conducting space observations on Earth’s orbit since 1999.

Apart from the A and B stars, the Alpha Centauri system is home to a third star known as ‘Proxima’. Proxima, which is the closest star to the Earth outside the Solar System, emits 500 times the amount of radiation reaching the Earth, so it is unlikely that live life around this star will emerge.

NASA’s space exploration continues every day with a new discovery. The satellites sent into space are investigating in the depths of the galaxy whether there are other planets suitable for human life. The information reached is delivered to our world as soon as possible.

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