Italy takes action to combat mobile phone addiction

Italy takes action to combat mobile phone addiction

A draft law was prepared to fight against “phobia to remain inaccessible to mobile phones” between young people in Italy. The bill, prepared by the coalition partner 5 Stars Movement, envisions taking a series of measures to prevent and treat mobile phone and internet addiction, which causes young people to become vampires”.

The fear of being deprived of access to mobile phones and the Internet is called “nomophobia”, based on the expression “no-mobile phone phobia” in English. The draft law, which began to be discussed last week at the Social Affairs Commission of the House of Representatives in Italy, is titled “Measures for the prevention and treatment of nomophobia”.

With the bill, it is envisaged to carry out courses and awareness campaigns against these phobia and addiction, and to take measures in healthcare facilities in severe cases. Within the Prime Ministry, representatives of many ministries will be asked to establish a “nomophobia table”.

A kind of pathological addiction

The bill states that “fear of being disconnected from the internet network” can lead to anxiety, malaise, restlessness, and aggression, and can lead to a real pathological dependence.

Some academic studies in this field are quoted and it is emphasized that smartphone addiction is very similar to other types of addiction. “When we see a notification on our mobile phone dopamine level increases,” said this process is similar to that of a gambling addict is expressed.

Symptoms of this addiction include: “using the mobile phone continuously and lingering for long periods of time, always carrying one or more devices and chargers, even the idea of ​​the loss of the mobile phone causing anxiety and frustration, whether the message or call has come constantly checking, keeping your mobile phone open for 24 hours, going to sleep with your mobile phone or tablet “are counted.

8 out of 10 young people have fear

According to a study conducted in Italy, 8 out of every 10 adolescents are afraid of not being able to access their mobile phone, and 50 percent say that even this idea is enough to cause anxiety and discomfort.

The bill also emphasizes that the number of young people lingering on mobile phones until late at night increases and this situation transforms young people into “vampires”, causing them to remain tired and sluggish during the day. This situation is reflected in the school, business and personal life.

Vittoria Casa, one of the architects of the 5-Star Movement, said: vermek It is an inevitable need in the digital age to educate the conscious use of the Internet and prevent the phenomenon of excessive habit “. Casa said he hoped the bill they presented to parliament would set an example for other European Union countries.

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