Social network Twitter has expanded the scope of hate behavior policies. From now on, discourses that exclude people based on religion will be considered as hate behavior. Tweets in this scope will be deleted immediately when reported.
Twitter has updated hate behavior policies on its platform. Expanding the rules applied in this context, Twitter has now announced that it will evaluate the discourses that exclude people on the basis of religion within the framework of hate behavior policies. “We focus on addressing the risks of ‘offline’ evils, and according to research, a nonhuman language increases these risks.”
Based on feedback from Twitter users, the social network announced that it has expanded its hate behavior policies and announced that as of today, tweets will be deleted immediately if reported.
(Religious Group) viruses. They ruin this country.
(Religious Group) should be punished.
(Religious Group) We don’t want more in this country.
(Religious Group) disgusting…”
weets will be deleted but the account not suspended
In this context, tweets that have already been thrown will have to be deleted when they are reported, but the accounts will not be suspended directly on the grounds that the tweets were thrown before this rule is set. Last year, we asked for feedback on how we can better define the discriminatory language to regulate our hate behavior policies. Within two weeks we received more than 8,000 responses from more than 30 countries. The most consistent feedbacks we received were: cleaner language, narrowing of the word pool, consistency in practice. We considered these feedbacks and the opinions of the experts we talked to from outside. We will continue to develop Twitter for the global community that helps us shape our policies, products, and work by making their voices heard.”
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