12 Things you didn’t know about Selena Gomez

12 Things you didn’t know about Selena Gomez

It’s hard (if not impossible) to dig up the kind of dirt on Selena Gomez that you can on other celebrities. The former Disney star turned musical success has led a fairly clean and uneventful celebrity life, at least when compared to other former Disney stars like Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato, who have all but done a complete 180 degree flip on who they were as child role models.

It would seem that she can do no wrong. Sure, she’s dated Justin Bieber, a person who has a new scandal just about every week that the media practically just expects at this point, but she herself remains relatively out of it all.

So perhaps these won’t be the kind of dirty secrets you’re accustomed to reading about celebs, but we think you’ll still enjoy ready some fun and occasionally embarrassing facts about this amazing singer. So read on and check out some interesting Selena Gomez facts.

1. She Really Gets Upset By Haters

Selena is a bit sensitive to negative comments made by her haters, a fact which she herself has admitted to on multiple occasions. She sometimes takes to social media, clearly affected by something the media has said or done that she believes to be untrue and sticks it to them.

Recently, she posted the following on her Instagram account: “Sometimes I get frustrated when I hear lies about who I am. The Internet is meant to keep you “updated” but it just takes old news and freezes it like it’s now. You have watched me in pain and I’ve owned up to it through my music and actions. I grew up with you. I am beyond excited to show you the next chapter, the TRUTH.”

12 Things you didn’t know about Selena Gomez

2. She Has Some Crazy Invention Ideas

Aside from her obsession with lemons, she’s also apparently really obsessed with pickles. She claims it’s a Texas girl thing, but who knows? She claims that if she ever had the chance to invent something, she would want to create a pickle-flavored chewing gum. She claims that pickles are actually really good for you, and actually there has been a surprising trend of pickle diets popping up in the world. She claims that pickles actually helped her lose 20 pounds in less than a month. With results like that, it’s no wonder pickle diets are becoming so popular with women everywhere. Maybe that pickle gum thing will take off after all.

3. There Was Tension Between Her and Miley Cyrus

Selena Gomez once guest starred in a few episodes of Miley Cyrus’ show Hannah Montana. She played a rival pop star who had quite the feud with Miley’s character. It turns out, however, that this feud was actually mirrored in the real world. After Miley and Nick Jonas broke up in 2008, Gomez scooped him up. This caused more than a little tension between the girls. Rumors state that they dated for about a year before separating. Some rumors also state they briefly rekindled their relationship in 2010, just prior to her relationship with Bieber. You never date your friend’s ex.

4. She Eats Whole Raw Lemons

One of the weirdest facts about Selena is that she likes to eat whole raw lemons. If you’ve ever tried this before (no, lemonade doesn’t count), then you know why it’s so surprising. She says she really likes eating them with a little bit of salt and nothing else. Yuck! She says of herself and her friend Demi Lovato: “We could both sit at a table and eat a jar of pickles, and lemon and salt. It’s so weird.” At the very least, all of that Vitamin C in the lemons has got to be good for her health. Maybe more people should eat lemons. Perhaps they are the missing ingredient in most “normal” people’s diets.

12 Things you didn’t know about Selena Gomez

5. Selena’s Purity Ring Mysteriously Disappeared

Selena Gomez, following in the suit of many Disney stars of her time, wore a purity ring during her time at Disney. The purity ring is basically a symbol representing her commitment to stay pure until she is married. But then she decided to start dating fellow singer Justin Bieber. Shortly after, her purity ring mysteriously disappeared. While no public announcement or dirt has ever been dug up proving that she is sexually active, the ring’s disappearance is enough of a hint that we can pretty much say she’s sexually active. Although she’s taken some internet backlash for this, she isn’t really different than anyone else.

6. She Drinks Olive Oil To Protect Her Voice

Selena’s singing tips 101: drink olive oil. She admitted to this bizarre habit back in 2011, and apparently she’s actually not the only singer who does this. It seems to be a time-tested method despite how odd it may seem. But she doesn’t use it all the time. She only uses it if she has a slight sore throat or something that may wreak havoc on her upcoming performance. She stated, “It tastes terrible, but it coats your throat so it’s really good for the vocal cords.” Her band also reportedly huddles together before a big performance to wish each other good luck in the upcoming performance.

7. She Had A Major Crush On Shia LeBeouf

Selena Gomez has had a huge crush on Shia LaBeouf. Perhaps a superstar is not a person who you’d expect to go weak at the knees for another celebrity heartthrob, but at the end of the day, she’s a regular girl just like all the others. When offered the opportunity to meet Shia, an opportunity which was of course captured on video, she went full fangirl and just couldn’t compose herself. The only thing she could spurt out was “I admire you,” followed by running out of his dressing room and back into her own where she screamed to her friends “Now he thinks I’m crazy!”

8. She’s A Shopaholic

Perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly for a girl her age, Selena is a huge shopaholic. She loves shopping, especially for clothes. She seems to be just like any other girl her age in this regard. She once posted a short video on Instagram of her buying a ton of stuff with the caption “I swear I came in for ONE thing.” We know, Selena. We know. It can be truly hard to buy just one little thing when all of those other clothes are just begging for your attention. At least her great success will enable her to get away with it, unlike many of the other shopaholics out there!

9. She’s Had Run-Ins With PETA

Selena is not someone who you’d expect to have run-ins with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), but one music video shoot got her some backlash from the animal rights activist group. In her 2011 music video “Love You Like a Love Song,” Gomez had horses in the video spray-painted pink to add to the ambiance. PETA took offense to this and accused the singer of being cruel to the animals. Fellow singer Pink, also joined in on this backlash, which is quite funny considering her name is Pink. Of course, there was no abuse of the animals and the whole thing was blown way out of proportion, since the paint used was non-toxic and vegetable-based, able to be removed with water.

10. She Suffers From Lupus

One unfortunate medical fact about Selena is that she suffers from an autoimmune disease called lupus. Lupus is quite deadly, and it caused her to cancel her tour in 2013 in order to fight the disease. She has reportedly also had to undergo chemotherapy during this time to treat the condition. Lupus is treatable but incurable, so it’s something she’ll likely have to live with for her whole life. “I think it was just very complicated because I didn’t understand and then that was something that I did want to keep private until my whole life suddenly wasn’t private,” Gomez says. “So, it was my moment. I’m really honestly able to relate to people and I get it.”

11. She Met Her Best Friend And Future Disney Co-Star There Too

That’s right, folks. Her fellow Disney alum and former best friend forever Demi Lovato was also a member of the purple dinosaur brigade. They met on the show, starring at the same time, and went on to become super BFFs. Those who followed Gomez during her Disney days would know that the two were practically inseparable during their tenure there. It’s good news then that Barney did something good for the world by bringing these two together. You know, instead of only managing to annoy millions of parents forced to watch the show with their kids. It’s too bad though, that the two seem to have drifted apart a little over the years.

12. She Got Her Start On Barney and Friends

Selena Gomez got her start on the kids TV show Barney and Friends, at the age of 7 as a regular cast member. For those who don’t know or don’t remember Barney, he was a huge purple dinosaur that hung out with a group of kids and is supposedly also a figment of their collective imagination. Inspired by her mom to go into acting, she knew at that young age that she wanted to do this for a living. However, these days I’m sure she’s pretty embarrassed to be associated with that show, since it’s kind of a joke amongst people who grew up with it.

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