In Time Movie Theatrical Trailer
In a retro-future the aging gene has been switched off, at 25 years old aging stops. To avoid overpopulation after 25 each person is given just one more year to live and stamped on their arm is a running clock of how long they have left, once the clock reaches zero they die.
Time has therefore become the new currency, people earn time by working and spend it to pay for everyday necessities, for example in the film a coffee costs 4 minutes and a days labor for the poor in a factory will earn them about 24 hours. Time can also be stolen or robbed from another person. The rich however can live forever, the two communities are completely separate and to keep it this way it costs a whole year just to enter a wealthy area.
A wealthy man called Henry Hamilton (Matt Bomer) goes to bar in a poor area, he has over a hundred years left on his clock and this attracts him some unwanted attention from a gang who try to rob him, he is saved by a local poor man named Will Salas (Justin Timberlake). Hamilton explains that he is 105 years old and has had enough, whilst Salas is asleep Hamilton transfers his time to Salas. Waking up, Salas discovers he now has over 116 years on his clock, Salas looks out the window to see Hamilton sitting on the edge of a bridge, Hamilton’s time runs out and he dies, falling into the shallow water of a storm drain.
Salas is accused of Hamilton’s murder and he is forced to go on the run from a corrupt FBI-like police force known as the “Timekeepers”, as well as from a hoodlum-like middle-aged Mob called the “Minutemen”, led by a senior citizen named Fortis, who is 75 years old.
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