Ten ways your job may be hurting you

Ten ways your job may be hurting you

Your office, colleagues, and the air of the office, even may be hazardous to your health.

Employees calling sick normally get most responsible for the loss of productivity, a phenomenon known as “presenteeism” won a notice, as well. Defined as the act of coming to work when you are sick and do work of the third order, therefore, business costs of presenteeism billion a year in lost productivity.

If presenteeism is damaging to business, then it would be logical to think that the work would be better if sick workers stayed at home until they have improved. When the disease is a byproduct of the work itself, however, that the worker will just get sick again and continue to work apathetic and unproductive.

Whether or psychological environment, many places have conditions that can make employees sick. These factors have a domino effect that is ultimately bad for business as for the employee.

What are 10 ways that your work can kill you and your employer?

Lack of Sleep

Doctors recommend having eight hours of sleep a night, but a glance around the office means reveals that, for many it is simply not occur. Bags under the eyes of each and coffee cups drained tell the story, with a recent survey of over 7,000 people, 23 percent of them reported experiencing insomnia.

What causes insomnia? One of the main causes of insomnia is stress, particularly stress encountered in the workplace, according to the Mayo Clinic. Lack of sleep is often not given their fatigue as a reason to call in sick, however, they go to work and in turn, lethargic, sluggish performances that will cost employers $ 63 billion annually in lost productivity, according to a Harvard Medical School study.

Lack of Exercise

One factor often implicated in the current epidemic of obesity is the sedentary nature of many jobs. The unanimous consensus of the medical community is that a passage of 40 hours per week at a desk is a major contributor to weight gain. As the U.S. labor market has shifted from manufacturing to work clerical jobs, the problem has only worsened.

A 2010 study in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed that obese people were less productive at work than their average weight. The study found that rates of presenteeism went to the body mass index (BMI) was the staff to women with a BMI between 30 and 34.9 6.3 days lost ‘value productivity per year, while men with a BMI over 40 have lost more than three weeks worth of productivity. Taken together, the study estimates that obesity among full-time employees in costs U.S. employers more than $ 73 billion per year.

Indoor Air Quality

In 1984, the World Health Organization issued a report concluding that many newly constructed office buildings have holes in their heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). These defects have affected the quality of indoor air so badly that they caused conditions such as headaches, nausea and fatigue, among other things, among workers.

Many office buildings in the study are still standing, with the same ventilation problems they had 30 years ago. The new buildings are designed with better ventilation, but until their designs are becoming the norm, it is likely that the health problems associated with indoor air quality will continue.


According to the Gallup organization, moving through the home to work is 23 minutes, but workers with longer trips reported a wider range of negative physical and emotional terms. Not surprisingly, these conditions worse than the length of the shuttle up.

The study found that 19 percent of respondents traveled more than 30 minutes to get to work, while three percent reported trips over an hour. Those trips were more likely to report pain in the neck and back, high cholesterol and obesity.

Among those with journeys of more than 90 minutes, 40 percent spent most of the day worrying. Anxiety interferes with their ability to feel well rested and enjoyment experience during their waking hours. The study found that over the course of an employee, the more likely it was that productivity could be compromised.

Incivility in the Workplace

No matter who you are and where you work, there will almost always someone in your office that you angry. Most people are able to put those feelings aside, if only for the sake of civility, but there will always be employees who see no reason to hold – sometimes leading to hostile confrontations open in the workplace.

Public confrontations are difficult and stressful for those directly involved, as well as colleagues who have their testimony. They affect productivity, morale, hurt, and cause stress levels of other employees on the rise. According to the book, “Banishing Burnout: Six Strategies to improve your relationship with work,” work-related stress caused by the employers’ costs of incivility in the workplace 300 billion dollars annually in lost productivity.

Chronic Pain

What was once the domain of manual workers now affects office workers in different sectors. Hours and hours spent in an office can often lead to chronic back pain and computer use was associated with prolonged painful ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Offices that are not investing in equipment ergonomic workspace, such as chairs with proper lumbar support, the risk facing a workforce composed of ibuprofen-popping employee whose physical ailments significantly slow their work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, repetitive stress disorders such as carpal tunnel results in absence from work on average 23 days – a full 11 days more than the injuries related to fires and explosions.

Lack of Job Security

During a prolonged recession, lucky are those who have survived layoffs. They survived the bloodshed, it would follow logically that they would be back to work relief. Many do not. In fact, after a dismissal of many workers survivors live in constant fear that the next cycle is just around the corner – and this time they will not be so lucky.

In 2008, the Center for Work-Life Policy conducted a study called “High Performance Support in difficult times.” He noted that layoffs and firings are traumatic for the employees left behind, their levels of trust and loyalty their employers plummets. Paranoia was rampant, but instead of scaring employees go the extra mile for the sake of their jobs, “layoffs caused employees to the minimum of work necessary to not get fired.

Shift Work Hours

Shift work is work performed outside the limits of U.S. hourly labor standard of 9:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This includes night shifts, rotating shifts, or any other change non-traditional. Shift work has been linked to changes in metabolism that raise the risk for diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Obesity in particular has been shown to decrease work productivity.

Irregular hours associated with shift work interfere with the circadian rhythm – physical changes, mental and behavioral after a cycle of about 24 hours, according to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. This interference can cause fatigue and insomnia. As if this were not enough, the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2007 took the decision to classify shift work as a probable carcinogen, right up there with the engine exhaust.

Long Hours

Just because an employee is taking long hours, do not assume that those who are full hours of quality work. A 2009 study found that workaholics who are the first to show up and the last to leave are often given to high levels of burnout and low levels of happiness. This can lead to a bad attitude that can easily go viral and infect the whole office.

The study says that employees who put in weeks of work over 48 hours made by constraint, not because there was a lot of work that was powered by diligence. In such cases, these employees have demonstrated high levels of presenteeism.

Toxic Boss

In many companies, there are managers whose effect on others is best described as “toxic”. This person can be so unpleasant that his presence alone in the office can cause it to become a stressful environment that stifles productivity. Normally, a co-worker of that description is a nuisance that can generally be ignored, but how can you give to a toxic person when he or she is your boss?

The toxic boss lowers morale, causes a high turnover, and makes the job a generally oppressive place – none of which boosts productivity. Career coach Nicole Williams said there are several strategies to cope with such an individual, from the outperformance of a direct confrontation. Successful deployment of these strategies can help make the daily life of an employee more comfortable and, yes, less toxic.

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