Gaga’s awkward moment with Britney

Gaga's awkward moment with Britney

Lady Gaga dresses as a guy and tries to reenact the famous Madonna smooch.

The MTV Video Music Awards is one of the few award shows where wacky antics are expected and encouraged. This year was no exception. Among the standout moments: Beyonce’s baby bump rub, Justin Bieber’s appearance with his pet snake and a Lady Gaga-Britney Spears kiss, with Gaga dressed as a man.

To present Spears with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, Lady Gaga dressed as her drag king alter-ego Jo Calderone. When Spears walked on stage, the two shared a polite smooch. A few minutes later, Gaga tried to recreate Spears’ infamous 2003 Madonna liplock, but Spears pulled away saying she had already done that. Gaga looked disappointed.

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