Justin Bieber stars in odd perfume ad

Justin Bieber Wants to Repeatedly Smell Your Neck (If You Are Wearing His New Fragrance).

For $55, girls can smell so appealing, Justin Bieber will be compelled to repeatedly sniff their necks with meaningful, sensual inhales. That is the message the 17-year-old singer telegraphs in his commercial for new perfume Someday, which has a “sweet, fruity” aroma and the potential to earn the teen heartthrob $30 million, according to the Daily News.

Fragrance commercials are almost always extraordinarily bizarre, and Bieber’s is a hilariously wacky addition to the canon, which includes Chanel’s Egoiste (women shout hysterically on French balconies and slam doors in an angsty fury), White Diamonds (Elizabeth Taylor breaks into a high-stakes poker game and intones, “These have always brought me luck”), and anything from the Britney Spears collection (like Fantasy, where a Kevin Federline look-alike shoots the pop star with a love arrow).

In Bieber’s trippy, profoundly weird 30-second ad, he smells a young lady’s neck not once, not twice, but five times. He also flies through the clouds holding this girl’s hand, gives her an airborne piggy-back ride, hands over a gold charm, and returns her to her bedroom, where she once again sprays herself with a blast of Someday. The fragrance’s tagline is “Never let go,” which is a good motto when you are hurtling through the cosmos clutching one of the world’s most famous pop stars.

Justin Bieber stars in odd perfume ad

While Bieber gives a lot of sultry glances and flashes that winning smile Miley Cyrus mocked on SNL, he makes no real moves in the commercial, lingering over his ladyfriend’s neck like the most harmlessly inept vampire in history. The message to parents is clear: Justin Bieber may break into your daughter’s bedroom, but he’ll just bring a wind machine, make her feel like she’s flying (presumably from the shock of seeing Biebs in the flesh), and twirl her around a few times before returning her to safety. No cause for alarm, it’s a very G-rated home invasion.

“Let’s be real, the way a girl smells is very important to a guy!” Bieber recently told Women’s Wear Daily (he also said a portion of the profits from sales of Someday will go to Pencils of Promise and the Make-A-Wish foundation). “I have such a deep connection with my fans, so creating a fragrance that I personally love is another way I can bring them closer to my world.” Get it? My World is the name of his album and tour! Bieber knows how to talk to a 14- to 18-year-old girl interested in sweet, fruity aromas.

The bottle for Someday has a rose-petal top that some view as sexually suggestive and others see as a rip-off of Marc Jacobs’ Lola perfume. But all we see is the image of Bieber floating through the air like a swagged-out Peter Pan rescuing teen girls from the treachery of homework. Probably because we keep watching the ad.

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