Schwarzenegger’s daughter takes spotlight

Schwarzenegger's daughter takes spotlight

Twenty-year-old Katherine says even a protected upbringing couldn’t shield her from one problem.

Katherine Schwarzenegger, 20, eldest child of the Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, journalist, has written a new book, scheduled for Tuesday, about how she and other young women deal with body image problems.

Something that the key to the girls try to put into perspective these sensitive issues, she said, is to maintain a close relationship with their mother. “My mother has always been good with me. She always checked with me. I had the best relationship with my mother. I still do. I spoke to him four times a day, “Schwarzenegger said USA Today.

She also notes that his two famous parents tried to protect her and her brothers and sisters – Christina, 19, Patrick, 17 this month, and Christopher, 13 this month – the harsh light of the complex southern California celebrity advertising. Her parents “were very protective of us in the public eye when we were young, she said the paper.” We’re not in Hollywood first. We performed community service. We went to school and the camp as normal children. ”

Yet, even with a protective parents, Katherine Schwarzenegger – who is now a researcher at the University of Southern California – said she became “self-conscious” about his weight in his college years. She has tried to counter such sentiments by taking an informal competition with a friend who was naturally thin to keep their weight below 100 pounds. (Schwarzenegger is now 5-foot-8 and a size 6, the newspaper said.) But weight loss did not become an obsession for her that she has done for many girls, “she said.

“I have not had an eating disorder at all,” she said. “It was like a friendly competition.”

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