Most job seekers have the best chance of finding a job through friends and contacts, given that nearly one third of external hires were found through referrals, despite the multitude of ways for companies to find job applicants. This suggests that, despite millions of CVs drawn across the Web during the past two years, the time for job seekers could be better spent knocking their friends for occasions where they work.
Online sites for job search are fully aware of this dilemma, the search for employment has changed considerably online, but hiring still relies on old relationships, they are finding new ways to allow both methods.
You can find your next job with a school friend who lost a long time with you reconnected on Facebook. In job search site, a partner of U.S. News, job seekers can connect to their Facebook accounts and allow Simply Hired access to details of work history profiles of friends. ” The site then lists all your friends and their employers. Click on their employers, and you will see all job openings currently listed on Simply Hired.
You can send a message to a friend directly over the opening. The site also shows that companies employ the largest number of your friends, cities that friends are more likely to live in, and employment in companies that you indicated a preference in your Facebook profile. Simply Hired is not the only search engine offering a chance to find a job through friends Facebook has a Facebook application that allows users to watch the openings where their friends work.
“The basic idea here is that the world when you look in the offline and you start a job search, you usually go to a number of friends and say,” Do you know of any major companies? Are there good jobs in your company that you know? “Said Simply Hired CEO Gautam Godhwani. “That was how much of the recruitment was done in the past. … And I think that is what you see here, you are seeing Simply Hired take what has always been a very efficient process offline and upload. “Simply Hired earlier launched an application for LinkedIn that allow users to check if they have connections to employers that they are interested in.
Integration with Facebook may not be meaningful in the early years of the site where it was largely the domain of college students who were there to socialize. Today, with nearly half a billion users, Facebook is the personal mark for turf professionals and middle-aged Generation Y will-and-comers. It is a place where businesses all new products and track job applicants. Despite all the controversy privacy, most users still choose to include personal stories and working details on their profiles. “I think we are entering a new era of job search is much, much more personalized,” Godhwani said. “The foundation said that today’s users have much more information about themselves Online. ”
The company has followed the debate about privacy, Godhwani said. On the one hand, integration Simply Hired leaves no trace on your profile so your Facebook friends do not know what you are looking for a job. Therefore, the objective of privacy for most users is the control and integration of Simply Hired is opt-in only.
Accessibility is an area of ongoing development among search engines work. Job Search Site is currently awaiting approval of an application for Apple iPad would allow users to search for jobs, create job alerts and job Email to similar functions Friends of those applications LinkUp smartphones, but it is much easier to apply for jobs directly on the IPAD, Thanks to its size. The goal is to transform LinkUp as unemployed transform-“regardless of their usage patterns and behaviors and their adoption of technology,” says managing director Toby Dayton.
LinkUp has found that users spend between 10 and 11 minutes, on average, its smart phone applications, “said Dayton. They are seeking employment who are not likely to be at home, near a computer. Instead, the mobile application allows people to seek employment anywhere, anytime, “When people see a company or brand and something triggers an idea in their head,” said Dayton.
They could be at a party where they met someone who works for a company interested in. They can do a job search immediately, then save the search for later. “Ideally, the application enables people to improve their research and think more thoroughly about the type of jobs and careers they want, the type of companies they want to work for the types of roles and responsibilities that will bring satisfaction in their lives, “says Dayton.
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