Reports have speculated that Angelina Jolie could play Cleopatra in an upcoming Biopic on the famous woman. The movie will reportedly be based on a book titled “Cleopatra: A Life.” The book was recently approved for film adaptation, and will likely feature a number of mega stars, so the Jolie rumor seems to fall right in with previous details about the movie that have leaked.
The rights to the biography have been purchased, and the man who bought them has Angelina Jolie in mind to play the leading lady. A call to the office confirmed these reports, with a representative stated that it is “being developed for and with Jolie.”
Cleopatra, who is a Macedonian and not of Egyptian decent, has been featured in a number of films in years. The first flicks that featured her as a character appeared during the silent film era in 1899. Geroges Melies made a movie titled “Cleopatre,” which was an early horror movie that followed her as she lived her afterlife as a mummy. While the storyline may be very different from the one that is being considered, it does show that the character Cleopatra is one that has been in the cinema for quite some time.
The film “Cleopatra,” which was released in 1963 and starred Elizabeth Taylor’s take on the story was critical acclaim. The movie also starred Richard Burton, who played the male love interest and was also Taylor’s real life husband at the time. This has led to speculation that Brad Pitt could be chosen to play the male role in the movie, although that is completely speculation at this time.
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