Avatar DVD and Blu-ray to Arrive on Earth Day

Avatar DVD and Blu-ray to Arrive on Earth Day

Avatar DVD and Blu-ray. If you missed taking a return trip to Pandora, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has you covered. James Cameron has said the Wall Street Journal the company will launch its mega-blockbuster, Avatar, Blu-ray and DVD on 22 April. Just in time for the globular masses celebrate Earth Day.

For those of you looking for all the bells and whistles, you’ll have to wait a little longer. Cameron told the newspaper: “It is our plan from now, and it will be almost bare bones. And then we will value and DVD 3-D Blu-ray in November I believe that somewhere. “A Fox spokesman confirmed that the 3-D version is still in the conceptual stage and no not provide a statement of November.

The Oscar-nominated director also spoke briefly on. Cameron wants to “cheaper and faster” and have used the second installment of “pursuit of the same characters.” He added: “We will expand the universe of quotes, which means the envelope of the creation of history.”

Release Date Post Earth Day is not just a joke. The filmmaker wants to throw a green light on the film with good reason. “We will not leave our children a world that is a sustainable world at the rate we’re going,” he said. “It will take a restart fundamental way we see our relationship with the natural world and the other and with business and economy… that unlimited growth is not a good thing.”

Related Link: Avatar Movie Full Production Notes

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