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Nutrition - Green Energy  
Get more protein! Use less fat! Watch your carbs! Bulk up! Train down! And eat your spinach! Eat your spinach?
We are used to hearing all kinds of suggestions for a winning diet, but having somebody tell you to eat your greens sounds like something your mother would say.
Well, guys, mom is right. Eat your greens and someday you may grow up to be big, powerful, strong and muscular like Lee Haney. Salad and greens are an important part of every bodybuilder's daily diet, and here's why:
1) Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, sprouts and other salad fixings are high nutrient density foods. This mean that ounce for ounce, these foods are packed with more vitamins, minerals and nutrients than other foods with a similar calorie content.
2) Salad greens are low in calories so low, in fact, that you can actually lose weight by increasing the amounts of raw greens you eat. Lettuce and certain other vegetables are "zero calorie" foods. This means that it takes more calories to digest these foods than they fumish.
3) Leafy green foods are top sources of Vitamin A, iron and calcium. They also contain surprising amounts of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Not only that, but leafy vegetables with their valuable enzymes and minerals can make heavy protein foods such as meat, beans and cheese easily digested and more completely assimilated.
Everyone should eat at least one good-sized salad each day.
Just how much salad depends up on your diet and training regimen, and if you're trying to build up or get ripped for a show. If you're trying to add pounds and get some bulk, then watch your salad intake. Greens take up a lot of room in the stomach that you might want to save for higher calorie foods.
On the other hand, if you 're trying to lose weight or train down, then pile on the lettuce. Salads fill you up, not out.
They supply important fiber and nutrients that might otherwise be missing on a restricted training diet.
For fewer calories, eat your salads naked. Undress those leafy greens with a low-cal dressing. You don't want to mess up a good thing by pouring high-fat, high-calorie dressings all over your salad.
Most salad dressings are 95 % fat and loaded with preservatives, salt and artificial flavorings. You can make your own dressing with a little oil and vinegar or lemon juice. You can even learn to eat your salad plain. An undressed salad makes a good side dish. Pretty soon you'll wonder why you ever drenched your crisp, fresh vegetables with a gooey dressing.

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