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Keep Losing Weight  
How much weight someone has lost consistently week after week. Has anyone lost 3 pounds a week, for weeks and weeks, or 4 or 5 pounds a week each and every week? Or is this just impossible to do? It's quick in the beginning but if anyone has stuck to a diet and exercise program long enough to keep losing 3 or more pounds a week until they reached their goal.
Impossible? Probably not. It is many things ... inadviseable, very difficult, not very smart ... but probably not impossible.
Don't expect it all to happen at once. It's a marathon not a sprint.... Keep a positive mind and keep on track. So what if week 2 isn't as great a loss - the point is that you are doing something positive and you are doing something that works. take a look at some of the profiles - people have done amazing things on this site. It's not an instant fix, but it's the most sensible and manageable long-term solution.
Its hard to keep going at times and when you feel you have a lot to go. Your body becomes accustomed to eating habits and exercise routines and therefore the weightloss slows down or stops completely. Try altering your exercise regime so that you are doing something different and look for new recipes. As long as you are below maintenance calories, it has to come off eventually. I think that is a healthy attitude you have taken, after all - its not a race! Its a change of lifestyle.
I also hope that as you get lower, you are building some muscle. While still slenderizing and toning, you may not be losing as fast. However, slender and toned could mean the difference between a size 10 and a size 8. It then gets into the nebulous realm of deciding on whether to aim for a number or a shape or a feeling or a size .... It's a lot to think about ...

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