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Holiday Calories  
I know some of you have been experiencing rough times with your weight loss battles but I just wanted to wish you all happy holidays... don't get discouraged! I usually put on a few pounds around the holidays but this year it was closer to 7. Like you said, now that things have returned to normal so will my weight.
I usually just allow myself to splurge on Thanksgiving and Christmas day during the holidays. But since I was also moving last month I ended up eating a lot of fast food too. I have got things under control now but it is going to take a couple of months for my weight to return to its normal level
I bought and moved into a new house last month and am in the process of getting my old house ready to sell. It really eats into your time, I walked about half as much as normal last month because I did not have time for it. Since I am single and have adopted a “less is more” attitude when it comes to a lot of stuff my move was easier than it would be for a family but I feel your pain. Being a short local move helped too. But moving is just not a lot of fun.
Christmas or any major holiday does have a lot of food traditions, but recipes can be lightened, and the excess sweets only makes me unhappy. I prefer to give healthy gifts like homemade salsa, a small basket of fruit, a potted plant or homemade bran muffins. Yet I have found that my gifts are not well received. Why does everyone profess to be on a diet but then turn around and demand decadent desserts for the holidays? I want to be healthy year round.
Last year, Christmas dinner at my friends house was nice until the boxes and boxes of homemade fudge, divinity, peanut brittle and brownies came out. We were all expected to sit and eat and eat and eat and pass around the boxes while ohhhing and ahhhing. I guess some people deprive themselves all year just for this, but I eat yummy stuff year round. I love chocolate and sweets and factor that into my weekly calories.

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