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My Exercise Program  
by George Burns
This is my exercise program. It takes about a half hour, and I do it every morning before breakfast. As you'll see, the first five exercises I do lying flat on my back on the floor:
No. 1-Rump Raiser
(A great way to start the day. Get it out of bed and get it off the floor.)
This is also good far stretching the lower part of your back. Heels together, knees bent and legs apart. Using back for support, raise your rear end off the floor as high as possible, then lower it. I repeat this 25 times.
I suggest you work up to it gradually unless you want to learn to live on the floor.
No. 2-The Knee-Hi
(I named this exercise after a Chinese girl I used to dance with.)
This is good for stretching muscles in the thigh and hip. Interlock fingers and grasp one knee. Keeping other leg straight, pull knee up as far as possible, trying to reach chin. Alternate knees, which should be easy if you have two of them. I do this 10 times for each knee.
No. 3-The Pedal Pusher
Hands on chest, legs in the air, make believe you're riding a bicycle. I pedal 100 times.
Of course, if you have a bicycle, skip this and go to the next exercise.
No. 4-The Sit-Up
There are many versions of the Sit-Up. But being an old fashioned sentimentalist, I prefer the basic Sit-Up.
Hands in back of head, legs straight, bring yourself to a sitting position. In sitting position stretch forward two or three times, then return to prone position. I do this 15 times.
This is not an easy exercise, but it's very rewarding.
No. 5-Bottoms Up
(This is not a toast, it's an exercise.)
Hands stretched on floor at your sides, throw both legs over your head and try to touch floor in back of you with your toes. I do this 10 times.
I must admit I can't touch the floor, but I go as far as I can. Of course, I'm referring to the exercise.
No. 6-The Yoga
It's not really a yoga position.
Sitting position on floor, knees spread apart as far as possible. Bring the feet together so soles touch each other. Hold on to toes, pull body forward as far as you can, and return to first position. I do this 25 times. I like this exercise. It makes me feel like I'm taking bows.
No. 7-The Neck Stretcher
(The name of this exercise came to me one morning while I was stretching my neck.)
Sit on edge of bed. Turn head to right and stretch as far as you can. Then do same thing to left. I repeat this 5 times. Then stretch head up and stretch it down. I repeat this 5 times.
Then roll head in circle five times, then do same thing in reverse direction.
This exercise keeps your neck limber and does away with a double chin. I'm not sure that's true, because I've never had a double chin. But then again, maybe that's why.
No. 8-The Front Bender
(This exercise has been around for hundreds of years. I like it. I like anything that's older than I am.)
Standing erect, raise hands high overhead. Keeping knees straight, bend over and touch floor. I do this 15 times. When you first start out you may not be able to touch the floor. But don't worry, I won't tell Jack LaLanne.
No. 9-The Side Render
Stand erect, keeping legs straight, hips forward, hands on hips. From waist up bend to left as far as you can, then repeat to the right. I do this 40 times. But remember, I count left and right as only 1. Otherwise, it would be 80 times.
If you don't like this exercise, go back to Bottoms Up.
No. 10-The Finale
(Otherwise known as the last exercise.)
Stand with feet slightly apart. Twist body as far as you can to the left, then repeat to the right. I do this 40 times.
And that's it.
These exercises take me about half an hour, as I told you in the beginning; that is, unless I get a phone call from that friend of mine walking through Vancouver.
Then it might take me an hour and thirty-two minutes.
Source: How to Live to Be 100 - Or More

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