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Ethnic Restaurants and Your Diet  
. Ethnic restaurants are in. Chinese restaurants provide many good choices. Avoid egg foo yung, fried egg noodles, salty soups and oily Szechuan foods.
Instead, try boiled, steamed or stir-fried dishes with soy sauce on the side. Order without MSG (monosodium glutamate). Enjoy lots of rice.
. Indian cuisine is well suited to the diet plan. Many dishes use a yogurt-based curry sauce, and a variety of low-fat salads are available. Lentils and other law-fat beans such as chick-peas are Indian staples and make good choices.
. Italian restaurants offer fare that is suitable for your diet. Choose marsala sauce instead of cream, and try simply prepared chicken or fish dishes. Order pasta with a small amount of margarine or olive oil. Order Italian ices for dessert.
. Mexican can be a boost for your diet. Avoid high-fat fried tortillas, and start out with tomato, onion and avocado salad or plain rice and beans (not refried).
They're great sources of fiber. Order a tamale (steamed, not fried) filled with chicken or beans.
Many restaurants offer steamed or broiled fish or fish stews. Be sure to order condiments like sour cream and cheese on the side.
. In fast food restaurants, look for simply prepared items: salad bars (beware of the croutons, bacon and dressings, though), fresh fruit. If you must have a burger, choose the regular (2-ounce) hamburger with lettuce, tomato and onion but without mayonnaise or catsup. Avoid the fried foods, double-decker burgers and pickles.
These are just examples of the many ways you can sample restaurant fare and keep your healthy diet plan on track. Balance, variety and moderation are the keys to healthier living. Do it today, and you will be helping to make your heart healthier for today and tomorrow.
In an ideal world, television commercials would urge Americans to eat nutritious diets, not junk diets. Vending machines would contain fruit juices and nutritious snacks, rather than sugary soft drinks and fatty candy bars. Labels on all processed foods would boldly state fat, sugar and salt content. Restaurants specializing in low-cholesterol cuisine would become fashionable all over the country.
As you know, it's a far from perfect world. But you're learning to change part of it to suit yourself and the needs of your increasingly healthy body.

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