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What keeps you full longer? Protein  
For me, protein keeps me full longer but it takes more of it to make me stop feeling hungry. I have better success with food that has a lot of fiber. It has a lot of bulk so I feel full and while it may not last as long as protein or fat it is longer lasting than simple carbohydrates like sugar and white flour.
In general I try to eat a fairly balanced diet instead of one that emphasizes certain food groups. Even simple carbohydrates have a place, for me the blood sugar rush they provide seems to help me feel full quickly but overall I do better if I try to make them a small part of my diet.
There seems to be a lot of variation from person to person. You need to experiment and find out what works best for you. My stepmother can eat a single protein snack bar and be full for hours. I would have to eat six before I felt full to start with and would be starving a few hours later. If eating more protein works for you, stick with it.
If you're a vegetarian, you will be amazed how easy it is to get enough protein needed daily without any meat intake. You only need about 40g a day, but you should make sure you consume complete protein with all essential amino acids. Animal products like milk, cheese, yogurt, etc are complete proteins. If you don't want to eat animal products you can eat a combination of legumes and grains and you will have complete protein. Beans and rice, beans and corn tortillas, peanut butter and whole grain bread, lentil soup and wheat roll or crackers, you get it right?
I don't believe there are really protein supplements really, but you should work on incorporating more pulses and legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) into your diet.

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