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Counting Calories  
Not only do different people have different personalities, they also have different caloric needs. These calorie requirements are based on body size, height, age, sex and activity level. To determine your personal caloric requirements to achieve or maintain ideal eight, refer to the following guidelines.
1. Calculate your basal caloric requirements (the energy you expend at rest) by multiplying your personal weight goal or your ideal weight by one of the following factors:
under 45 over 45
2. Adjust caloric requirements for age by subtracting 10 calories for each year over 25 from your basal energy requirement.
3. Add calories for physical activity by multiplying the figure derived in guideline 2 by one of the following:
. sedentary (office work) = .3
. moderately sedentary (occasional participation in an exercise program) = .4
. moderately active (participation in a regular exercise program) = .5
. extremely active (Olympic hopeful) = 1
For example, using the formula above, a woman with the following characteristics-47 years of age, small frame, 5 feet 4 inches tall and sedentary--would calculate her caloric requirements as indicated below:
1. 140 pounds x 9 calories/pound = 1260 calories
2. 47 years - 25 years = 22 years
22 years X 10 calories/year = 220 calories
1260 calories - 220 calories = 1040 calories
3. 1040 calories X .3 = 312 calories
1040 + 312 = 1352 total calories
As you can see, the less active you are, the fewer calories you can afford to eat without gaining weight.

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