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Megan Fox Interview Part II

What can you tell us of your background?

I was born in Tennessee and lived there until I was about ten, when I moved to Florida and then I moved to Los Angeles when I was sixteen. When I was two I saw the Wizard of Oz and was obsessed with it and for a year of my life, when I was three, I made everyone call me Dorothy, not Megan, and I told my mom I would be an actress - so for my whole life that was always in the back of my head. When I was sixteen, I was incredibly bored with school and wanted to move to Los Angeles and try to finally follow my dream, so I tested and got my diploma early and moved to California.

Was it easy to become an actress?

I had a manager in Florida and she got me an agent almost immediately and within three months I had booked my first job, so I was very lucky and working right away and making money so I never had to get another job outside the business.

What was your last job in Florida before you tried acting?

I worked at this smoothie store and it was a tiny place and I'd make sandwiches and also once a week someone would have to go out in a banana costume and stand on the side of the street and try and get people to come in to the store, so I had to do that a couple of times. My mum took pictures because everyone thought it was super funny in the costume - I guess you could say that was my first acting gig!

What acting experience did you have before you got to Los Angeles?

I was doing things that were centered around performing my whole life. I was a dancer when I was five and I did Godspell in a local theatre when I was fifteen, so that was the first real acting experience I had before I moved to California.

Do you feel your dreams are coming true now?

This movie is a whole different level of success and something I wasn't expecting to happen to me at this age, so I definitely feel a part of something special and that my dreams are coming true.

How do you avoid the pitfalls of being so young and having this kind of success?

I don't think there is a way to really prepare for it. I think you are a certain type of person and you either stay that way and stay who you are or you get influenced by the people around you. I've always been very strong-willed and I've always been the same person my whole life and I've surrounded myself with people who are the same, so I think that is how you keep yourself sane here.

How would you describe yourself in high school?

I was an outcast in high school. I'm weird - anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm just strange! I've been weird my whole life. I'm really silly and really goofy and I'm not girlie and I am sort of a tomboy and I'm a mix of a lot of different things and in high school nobody really understood me. I had one friend in high school and I wasn't popular for sure.

So how does it feel being number eighteen on Maxim men's magazine's list of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World?

I feel incredibly flattered and it is not a thing I would ever expect so I guess it's amazing and flattering. I hosted the Maxim party so I know I was No. 18 on their list but the other lists people mention that I am on, I don't know about because I don't check on stuff like that and don't read my own press and I am super shy that way.

What about the fan web sites like Foxy Megan and Megan the Fox. Have you seen them?

No, but my mom does because she's really proud of me and wants to be supportive so she is always reading those things and trying to tell me about them. It really makes me nervous and sick to my stomach so I can't go on and read stuff about myself!

Would you do a sequel?

I would be blessed to be part of a sequel. I definitely think there is a possibility of a sequel and I've heard rumors of one so I just hope to be involved if there is one.

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