The first step in acquiring good strokes is to learn the correct grips-notice I said grips, not grip, for no one grip will do for all strokes. You will hear much talk about the three schools of gripping the racquet:
Category: The Strokes and Their Uses
The general technique of all strokes
Strokes are the weapons with which you fight your tennis battles. The better your weapons, the greater the chance of victory. Still, you must always remember that weapons alone never won a war. It is the way in which they are used that determines their usefulness. it is extremely important, almost necessary, to have good strokes, but strokes are not the end-only the means to the end. Therefore, do all in your power to learn good strokes, but never be satisfied to be just a shot maker. Shots alone never won a tennis match or crowned a champion. Above all, never allow yourself to become too stroke-conscious.