Little Big Man: He is no hero at all but merely a survivor.

Little Big Man: He is no hero at all but merely a survivor.

Arthur Penn’s “Little Big Man” is an endlessly entertaining attempt to spin an epic in the form of a yarn. It mostly works. When it doesn’t — when there’s a failure of tone or an overdrawn caricature — it regroups cheerfully and plunges ahead. We’re disposed to go along; all good storytellers tell stretchers once in a while, and circle back to be sure we got the good parts.

Little Big Man: He is no hero at all but merely a survivor. Read More
Midnight Cowboy (1969)

Midnight Cowboy at 50: Why the X-rated best picture winner endures

Midnight Cowboy was the first and only X rated movie to win the Oscar for best film, it’s really helpful to know what happened during a lightning party, but that should otherwise be accompanied by five or six asterisks . The MPAA (Film Picture Association of America) knows how to qualify the film “R”, then turn it into X for the representation of prostitution and homosexuality, then convert it to R only two years later, a tacit recognition that the advice is good the first time. See the movie today, 50 years later, the controversy over ratings seems to be more curious than the nude scenes and nudity scenes are relatively shy and there is a tumult in a Times Theater Square to uncomfortable looks and implications.

Midnight Cowboy at 50: Why the X-rated best picture winner endures Read More