Sailing into a stormy romance with Beethoven

Sailing into a stormy romance with Beethoven

In order to understand Beethoven and to interpret his works, it is necessary to explore the history of the period in which the composer lived, the political events of that period and the inner world of the composer, as well as the musical terminology. If this composer is a composer like Beethoven, this situation can get even more complicated.

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A brief introduction to the Bayreuth Festival

A brief introduction to the Bayreuth Festival

The Bavarian town of Bayreuth, with its Festival and its main venue, means a lot to the fans of the German composer Richard Wagner, who lived between 1813 and 1883. Wagner’s unique musical dramas had the most ideal stage in the world when this theater building, known as “Festspielhaus” for short, was among the sponsors of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulaziz of the period, when it opened in 1876.

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