Homecoming is an American independent thriller film, directed by Morgan J. Freeman and written by Katie L. Fetting, Jake Goldberger and Frank Hannah. The film follows a student couple, Mike (Matt Long) and Elizabeth (Jessica Stroup), on their homecoming. Elizabeth is taken home by Mike’s ex-girlfriend Shelby (Mischa Barton) after a road accident. Shelby is soon revealed to be fixated on Mike and subsequently treats Elizabeth in a cruel and deranged manner. Homecoming’s storyline closely resembles that of the novel Misery by Stephen King, thus making it very similar to its film adaptation.
The film begins with Shelby (Mischa Barton) driving at night while crying and smoking a cigarette, which she drops and then hits someone who was standing in the path of the car. Mike (Matt Long), Shelby’s ex-boyfriend, has a new girlfriend, Elizabeth (Jessica Stroup), and they are preparing to go to Mt. Bliss, Mike’s hometown, because the football team is going to be retiring his jersey. Shelby has problems with the bank about the bowling alley she inherited when her mother died and still believes that she and Mike are still an item. After the football game Mike and Elizabeth decide to go to Shelby’s bowling alley. When Shelby sees Mike she kisses him, but Mike tells her that he has a new girlfriend.
Read the Full Production Notes
Starring: Mischa Barton, Matt Long, Jessica Stroup, Michael Landes, Olivia Duball, Joshua Elijah
Directed by: Morgan J. Freeman
Screenplay by: Frank Hannah
Release Date: July 17th, 2009
MPAA Rating: None.
Studio: Paper Street Films and Animus Films
Box Office Totals
Domestic: —
Foreign: —
Total: —