Jim Jarmusch’s ensemble comedy is a series of vignettes, all revolving around discussions held over coffee and cigarettes. Starring a diverse cast, including Bill Murray, Steve Buscemi, Tom Waits, Cate Blanchett, and others, the film has been in production since the 1980s and is in black and white. Topics of conversation include Nicola Tesla, alternative…
Collateral Movie Production Notes (2004)
About the Film: One Night “Collateral” takes place over one night in Michael Mann’s City of Los Angeles. But in that one night, the lives of two men will be irrevocably changed. Director / producer Michael Mann states, “One of the things that attracted me to the project was the compression of time-it all happens…
Collateral (2004)
Tagline: It started like any other night. Max (Jamie Foxx) has lived the mundane life of a cab driver for 12 years. The faces have come and gone from his rearview mirror, people and places he’s long since forgotten… until tonight. Vincent (Tom Cruise) is a contract killer. When an offshore narcotrafficking cartel learns they…
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Production Notes (2004)
Production Information Clothes. Music. Friends. Each is a minefield in every teenager’s daily battle ‘ one wrong step and kaboom. Is it any wonder that the smallest decisions are played out with the highest drama’ Such is life for Lola Cep. Lola feels her life is simply not worth living when she moves with her…
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
Tagline: So much drama, so little time. Dear Member of the Press, I was a teenage Drama Queen! In every sense. I was a teenage actress in London but in my mind I was a Superstar! (Delusional, I know.) So, needless to say, when this script arrived on my doorstep I shouted out, “This is…
Connie and Carla Production Notes (2004)
Convinced the killers will never look for them in a place utterly devoid of culture (a.k.a. dinner theater), the pair ends up in the Land of Dreamers, Los Angeles. In a new place with new identities, they create a cover (with a lot of cover-up) that makes them the toast of the town — headlining…